BeReal clone TikTok Now to be phased out

TikTok has notified its app users that it will discontinue TikTok Now.

In a notification to app users, TikTok urged users to see their previous posts under the “Now memories” section from now on, as the company is discontinuing the services of the TikTok Now app.

“We encourage you to continue sharing your creativity on TikTok through captivating videos, photos, and stories,” wrote the company.

The reasons for the decision to phase out the popular app are so far unknown.

The company launched TikTok Now in 2022. The app resembles the popular BeReal social media app, which allows users to post a daily video or photo using both the front and back cameras.

Users receive a random daily notification at the same time as their friends, giving them a 3-minute window to take a 10-second video or real-time photo using both the front and back cameras.

At the time of writing, the app had more than 10 million downloads on the Google Play store.