Slack is reportedly discontinuing support to all of its Russia-based users, regardless of their political views.
“Our support team will no longer provide assistance to users based in Russia as of March 2023,” Slack notification reads.
Many Russian users have shared a similar email notifying them of the discontinuation of Slack services. However, according to the Russian non-governmental organization Roskomsvoboda, measures taken by Slack are “excessive and discriminatory” and affect organizations “dedicated to the freedom of the Internet and openness of data.”
It appears that Russians can still use Slack, and the company advises them just how to do it.
“Workspaces used by multinational companies with operations outside of Russia can continue to use Slack. However, we will no longer provide direct customer support to anyone in Russia. We recommend you transfer Primary Ownership of your workspace to another team member so that your company can continue to receive support from Slack,” the email notification reads.
Slack started disconnecting Russian users last March, just after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Digital rights organizations have long criticized tech companies that, in an attempt to condemn the regime’s actions, also discontinue vital support for various non-governmental organizations, dissidents, and protesters.
Cybernews has reached out to Slack PR but it referred to its press release published a year ago.
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