Check if your data has been leaked

Find out if your email, phone number or related personal information might have fallen into the wrong hands.
Breached accounts
Breached websites
1Password 1Password 1Password 1Password

Check data breaches worldwide

How does this tool work?

Our checker has a 500 GB database of leaked hashed emails. To check if your email address has been leaked:

  1. Enter the email address into the search field (we don’t collect or store email addresses)
  2. Click Check Now
  3. View the search results on the same page

How can hackers get your email password or other details?

Hackers or other bad actors can:

  1. Steal your email address, password, credit card number and other data from companies that already have it
  2. Buy your data on darknet marketplaces
  3. Steal the data from you (e.g. as part of a hack)

What could happen if your data is leaked?

Even with a small amount of leaked data, malicious actors can:

  • Steal your other credentials
  • Try to use the data for phishing attacks or spam
  • In severe cases, steal your identity
  • Ruin your finances or reputation

How to get to the safe side?

You can take a few steps to increase your safety online:

  • Change the passwords for all of your accounts that use the leaked email addresses
  • Get a reliable password manager to generate strong passwords and protect your accounts
  • Use two-factor authentication (2FA)
  • To learn more about our leak checker, see the FAQs

Check if your data has been leaked

Find out if your email, phone number or related personal information might have fallen into the wrong hands.

Check now