OpenAI's ChatGPT, the popular chatbot, has been experiencing a major outage affecting users worldwide.
"Major outage across ChatGPT and API," reads a message in red on OpenAI's incident response website. According to the incident's timeline, the issue was spotted around 9 a.m. EST.
According to the website monitoring platform, thousands of users have reported issues with the AI-powered large language model-based chatbot. OpenAI said that it is investigating the issue.
"We've identified an issue resulting in high error rates across the API and ChatGPT, and we are working on remediation," OpenAI said.
Meanwhile, users trying to access the chatbot are greeted with "ChatGPT is at capacity right now" disclaimer and a complimentary poem.
Since the outage impacts ChatGPT's application programming interface (API), any services that integrate the product may be also unavailable.
Hacktivist group Anonymous Sudan posted several announcements on its Telegram channel, implying ChatGPT is down due to the group's attacks. So far, however, there's no proof the groups activities had anything to do with the outage.
At around 10 a.m. EDT OpenAI said it has implemented a remedy which has allowed services to start recovering.
"A fix has been implemented and we are gradually seeing the services recover. We are currently monitoring the situation," OpenAI said.
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