Apple's trash is another company's treasure: Hong Kong firm resurrects MacBook's Touch Bar

A more customizable version of Apple's touch bar is being reinvented: say hello to the Flexbar.

Eniac, a Hong Kong-based company, has created a "more versatile and fully customizable touch-bar solution."

If it already looks familiar, it's because it resembles Apple's touch bar, which was first introduced with the MacBook Pro in 2016.


However, five years later, the company discontinued the touch bar in its 14 and 16-inch MacBook Pros. In 2023, Apple removed the touch bar from all of its laptops.

However, the demise of the Apple touch bar didn't stop the four engineers who founded the company from giving it another try.

Flexbar is a standalone device that is compatible with Windows, MacOS, iPadOS, and Android. It can be used with computers, laptops, tablets, and phones by connecting it to them through a USB connection.

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One of its main selling points is that it can be customized according to users' needs, whether that would be shortcuts, playback controls, or toolbars.

The device's specifications include a 10-inch full touch bar with a 2K AMOLED screen that weighs 154.7 grams, including a stand.

Flexbar is now available through Kickstarter, with pre-orders starting at a discounted price of $119 and deliveries planned for February 2025.

The touch bar on Apple's laptops received mixed reviews. Some disliking the concept reported issues such as the bar being uncomfortable to use or not compatible with some macOS applications.


When it comes to Flexbar, users on Reddit also seem divided. Some are surprised that "people miss the touch bar" and others agree that it was a good idea, just poorly executed.

This could change with Eniac's take on a more customizable bar.