Huawei’s future smartwatches could be controlled via hand gestures

Huawei is developing new technology that could change how its future smartwatches are controlled.

The China-based company has filed a patent for a 3D fingerprint technology that could map user’s fingerprints and maintain multipurpose gestures.

The document shows that Huawei’s future smartwatch could have a display equipped entirely with a 3D fingerprint sensor.


The technology is able to read a user’s fingerprint via 360-degree finger imprint scanning, which may allow them to perform various tasks. For example, a thumb could be used as a back button, and an index finger could initiate calling, first reports My Smart Price.

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The sensor could also allow users to control their device through gestures such as twisting a finger clockwise to control screen brightness or adjust volume levels.

While the new technology could change how Huawei’s smartwatches are being used, it’s not guaranteed that the company will implement this novelty in the future.