70TB of Parler users’ messages, videos, and posts leaked by security researchers

Parler, a social network used to plan the storming of the U.S. Capitol last week, has been hit by a massive data scrape. Security researchers collected swaths of user data before the network went dark Monday morning after Amazon, Google, and Apple booted the platform.

The scrape includes user profile data, user information, and which users had administration rights for specific groups within the social network. Twitter user @donk_enby, who first announced about the scrape, claims that over a million video URLs, some deleted and private, were taken.

“These are original, unprocessed, raw files as uploaded to Parler with all associated metadata,” claims one of the authors.


Security researchers claim that the scraped posts are linked to accounts that posted them, and some of the video and image data have geolocation information. That is said also to include data from Parler’s “Verified Citizens,” users of the network who verified their identity by uploading photographs of government-issued IDs, such as a driver’s license.

However, after the news about the data scrape went global, the author of the hack @donk_enby explained in a tweet that neither her nor others have collected any personal data that Parler users did not make public themselves.

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“Only things that were available publicly via the web were archived. I don't have you e-mail address, phone or credit card number. unless you posted it yourself on Parler,” she stated on Twitter.

The data might prove valuable to law enforcement since many who participated in the riots deleted their posts and videos afterward. The data scrape includes deleted posts, meaning that Parler stored user data after users deleted it.

Parler, a far-right friendly site, was among the key candidates to host President Donald Trump’s social media presence as Twitter and Facebook suspended his accounts for instigating violence.

crash override tweet screenshot

Parler, which claims to have over 10 million users, has lax rules over content, making the platform very attractive to far-right groups. Google and Apple removed Parler’s smartphone app from their app stores, claiming that the platform allowed posting that seeks to “incite ongoing violence in the U.S..” Amazon took similar measures, removing Parler from its hosting service.

Reddit users claim that the scrape was made possible due Twilio, an American cloud communications platform that provided the platform with phone number verification services, cutting ties with Parler.

In a press release announcing the decision, Twilio revealed which services Parler was using. This information allowed hackers to deduce that it was possible to create users and verified accounts without actual verification.

crash override tweet screenshot 2

With this type of access, newly minted users were able to get behind the login box API used for content delivery. That allowed them to see which users had moderator rights and this in turn allowed them to reset passwords of existing users with simple “forgot password” function. Since Twilio no longer authenticated emails, hackers were able to access admin accounts with ease.

Twilio, however, distanced themselves from the accusations on revealing information about Parler’s services in a press release. The company’s head of corporate communications, Cris Paden, reached out to CyberNews in an article comment claiming that Twilio’s security experts found no evidence that Parlers’ security issues were related to their services.

“On Friday, January 8th, we sent Parler a letter informing them they were in violation of our Acceptable Use Policy and notifying them that we would suspend their account if they did not make efforts to remediate multiple calls for violence on their platform,” Mr. Paden explained in a comment.

He claims that shortly after, Parler informed the company they had already turned off their navigation with Twilio and therefore any security issues were unrelated to Twilio.


How was the scrape done?

First and foremost, the Parler data scrape was not a hack in the conventional sense. According to Matt Warner, CTO at Blumira, a cybersecurity provider of automated threat detection and response technology, recent events could be considered a significant "hacktivism movement."

“There has not been any proof that Parler itself was “hacked,” but rather, the platform was inherently insecure and was leveraged in a group effort before being taken down,” he explained.

His team estimates that at least 15 offensive parties took part in the data scrape, and hackers collected at least 60 terabytes of data. The breach itself can be attributed to poor engineering and lack of testing on the Parler’s side that allowed a mass collection of archived data.

“This was due to an unprotected API call that was sequentially numbered, therefore allowing any attacker to iterate continuously over the endpoint and take all information available,” Mr. Warner explained.

There has not been any proof that Parler itself was “hacked,” but rather, the platform was inherently insecure and was leveraged in a group effort before being taken down,

Matt Warner.

The CTO noted that Twilio’s move to pull out allowed potential users to create Parler accounts without verifying their email. According to him, Parler allowed for an IDOR attach, which enumerates across all data available.

“In the case of Parler, this was URLs that looked like https://par.pw/v1/photo?id= and the ID could be sequentially increased to gather information from the API without direct knowledge,” he explained.

A question of ethics

Even though the stated purpose of the data scrape is to keep proof of wrongdoing, a question remains: do the ends justify the means?

On the one hand, some of the people whose data got scraped actively planned acts of violence. On the other, some people joined Parler only out of curiosity or professional obligation, such as journalists. However, the data scrape was universal, without hackers paying attention to the real intentions of account holders.


"From what I‘m reading, these weren‘t hacking in a sense we think about state-sponsored hacking, involving phishing or active deception, or anything like that. There was a glaring gap in the security of the platform, and @donk_enby and a few others noticed it and used it," Ali Alkhatib, data ethicist and a research fellow at the Center for Applied Data Ethics, explained to CyberNews.

Since @donk_enby did not carry out the data scrape secretively, there’s little to worry about from an ethics perspective. However, Alkhatib agrees that if the data scrape was targeted towards minority groups, there'd be a lot more to worry about.

"To me, this is a little more like the Ashley Madison debacle, but for white supremacists," he explained.

Afraid your online presence was compromised? Check if your data has been leaked.

Update January 13: we updated the article with a comment from Matt Warner.

Update January 12: we updated the article to clarify the type of data that was scraped, and to add the statement from Twilio.

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prefix 3 years ago
The amount of stupidity, ignorance and immaturity in this room is incredible.
prefix 4 years ago
If Parler is “far-right”, then what the hell is Gab?

Parler has always been the “moderate” conservative platform. That’s the problem with diluting words, then they have no meaning.

When you call everybody a fascist, the word won’t have any meaning and then what happens when a real fascist shows up? Big mistake.
Not Saying
prefix 4 years ago
So let’s do the math. 60T @50MBPS = takes 3-4 months for one user to download. I’m willing to say it was a local breach via Amazon by a staffer leaking the data.
prefix 4 years ago
Parler isn’t the problem: it’s Parler, Twitter, Facebook, every other stupid social media platform, comment sections on news sites and crappy blogs like this. All of them share the common feature of giving a place for people to work themselves into a tizzy over any-and-every-thing, establishing ridiculous levels of both kinship and hatred between strangers, building up violent mobs of both the physical and mental variety. They create an atmosphere where people are commended, at least by some segment of society or another, for doing despicable things, be they starting riots over a tiny handful of unfortunate policing incidents, attacking the capitol over a bunch of hot air regarding the election, ruining the life of a teenager for making an uncomfortable face when a crazy old man plays a drum in his face, or even just orchestrating data hacks like the one in this article.

The availability of these wonderful connected services has transformed this country into a dystopian nightmare (just look at this long thread of comments!). Get off the net, take care of the people around you, practice courtesy, vote, stop panicking, and all this garbage will go away. We have to transcend this nonsense.
prefix 4 years ago
The data was not theirs to take, therefore they are thieves! Any data obtained this way, i wonder, if it would actually hold up in a court of law. it was illegally obtained.
Just food for thought.
prefix 4 years ago
We’re at the point where crimes can be committed against the right and the left will cheer, and nobody will condemn it.

Where do you think this will lead? Not in a good place, for sure.
prefix 4 years ago
What a bunch of left leaning b.s this article and author are. So now your giving hackers a new label as well as spreading false information about parlor smh good job there buddy.
prefix 4 years ago
Every is either far-left or far-right now. In a relationship, that’s when both party has to peacefully “divorce” and move out, before there is a real storm… But only one side doesn’t want to see the other go; the left – they love the control too much.
prefix 4 years ago
If anyone’s account was hacked into and taken over, that gave the hacker the ability to post content as well. This would allow the ability to plant false evidence of wrongdoing in the name of a user.
prefix 4 years ago
Do the ends justify the means? Um… the data wasn’t being security stored to begin with, so the premise that this person grabbed non-public data was blatantly wrong. If people decided to trust this site with their data thinking it would be kept private, they should have picked a better site to trust!
prefix 4 years ago
I’m a patriot as well and by Patriot I mean when things don’t go my way I get upset break stuff like the law. But when other people who don’t look like me do it then they are criminals and they should understand law and order. But when I do it people should say that they love me. With our dictator and chief he changed the whole game. Now when your favorite sports team lose you can say it was rigged but when they win you can say that God made it so. Please understand that every single Patriot that says they are a Patriot on this page it thinks and behaves just like me.
Francis Marion
prefix 4 years ago
I don’t see this ending well.
This Cancel Culture must stop.
Where does it end ?
Nothing good can come of this……
Adriano Soares
prefix 4 years ago
As an European living in the oldest democracy I believe the wounds of the Civil War haven’t healed. All the signs of hatred were seen in the Capitol : The confederation flag, Auschwitz lovers, shouts to hang Pelosi and Biden. There is a radical solution: expropriate all fire arms above Cal.. 22. Those who will oppose it, free holidays in Guantanamo… Ad Aeternum
prefix 4 years ago
Sadly we all now know that American Fascist are among us. DC proved they are here without doubt and will utilize violence to try to overthrow legitimate government. It’s scary, I’m scared but I’m not backing down in defending this country. To all of you that haven’t spoken against or condoned the violence in DC, you are enablers to this American Fascism. Freedom will win against your hate.
prefix 4 years ago
No time to spray paint. They were too busy smashing in any of the 400 locked doors and windows and hunting for people they hate including now Mike Pence. Of course he will not invoke the 25th amendment. He knows that one of you fanatics will be waiting to kill him in some dark alley someday.

Thousands of dollars in damage, that’s laughable!!!! Do you have any notion how much bullet proof glass costs?…….. try one window…maybe.
Thomas Potter
prefix 4 years ago
Adolf Hitler hates being compared to Donald Trump!
prefix 4 years ago
Are you aware that Mitch McConnell refused to bring 450 bills passed by the House, to the Senate floor for a vote. I always thought 100 Senators were to vote on these bills. Count your blessings that Trump and McConnell will lose their power.
prefix 4 years ago
Interesting that @donk_enby gave an example of “try them, hang them, shoot them”… Did this help prompt gabs project of creating a searchable catalogue of over 100 million tweets of inciting violence against potus and conservatives? Hrmmm.. Regardless, it wasn’t an open door here.. she/he/them/they admitted to stealing the data via their method. Doesn’t matter if it was easy or not. The left isn’t anything without their self-righteous hypocrisy and projection. Also funny how they don’t believe radical leftist trolls, antifa, blm, etc.. don’t follow along and troll hard on these platforms too. Hope none get caught up in their suggested selective persecutions…
prefix 4 years ago
The article misspells her handle several times, I believe it’s @donk_enby. Regardless, amazing work!!
Ethan Miles
prefix 4 years ago
The Ayatollah has an active Twitter account. Makes sense.
J Costello
prefix 4 years ago
Whole lotta blame shifting to everyone that wasn’t there!
FBI will have a field day w/this data & it won’t be me they come after ✌
prefix 4 years ago
When you look at one of those wide shot pics of the sea of Trump supporters at the Capitol, keep in mind that you’ve never seen a bigger group of suckers in one place at the same time…except maybe at a Mili Vanili concert.
prefix 4 years ago
lol at least the comments for this trash article are sane…

puts cybernews.com in pihole blacklist
*wipes hands*
prefix 4 years ago
Lol at all the Parkerfiles getting all big mad on this. FBI gonna be having a field day with all the data.
prefix 4 years ago
FAKE news of a screenshot… Rubbish journalism
May your speech end as you call for anothers to. Sow must Reap!
prefix 4 years ago
It’s time all social media is uncovered this way. Parler booted anyone who used specific words that are “left leaning” or if someone attempted to post a correction to another post, or told another something was debunked or false. They 100% allowed for excessive hate speech, threats of violence, and even the plotting of attacks on others. Parler was a disgrace of an app and it’s time to also do the same to access accounts on Facebook and Twitter. There needs to be names and locations attached to the accounts too, so the nation can learn who the domestic terrorists are in America.
prefix 4 years ago
Maybe you forget that Parler supports freedom of speech.
prefix 4 years ago
For those of you on the right upset with Twitter, let’s put it this way. Twitter is a Christian bakery and Trump is a gay man ordering a wedding cake.
prefix 4 years ago
I considered Parler but it looked like a cesspool. I hadn’t found the reasonable areas.

Ironically suspended from Twitter after a post AGAINST using vile racist terminology to harass Black folks who lean center or center-left, and cops. I’m sure you know those epithets used to demean Black folks who aren’t actively anti-White or who partially dispute destructive BLM narratives.

I balked at giving Parler my state drivers license tho.

I intended to hit Parler and try a few reasonable moderate discussions. For example, there’s anti-Trump somewhat pro-Biden white nationalists who are overtly not violent, even while some views are vile.
I need to have thick skin, being of Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity. Avoid childish name-calling.
prefix 4 years ago
the data is corrupted by the fact that hackers created false accounts that incited violence and massively polluted the quality of the social graph.

Parler was compromised way before this reveal by the false accounts. The data is bad.

Also, why is hosted the hacked data better than Parler hosting the actual data?

Where does this all lead? Civil war? A progrom. Get a life.
prefix 4 years ago
This comment section is such cringe.
prefix 4 years ago
Such cringe? Really? Learn how to express yourself before you open your mouth and price your ignorance.
prefix 4 years ago
Prove …. Mis-typed due to gesture-typing. Apologies.
prefix 4 years ago
RAGE, supremacists and traitors … RAGE!

You flew too close to the sun, thinking that glory awaited you on the other side. But you ended up in the burn unit! And now the skin grafts begin.

You will be cut out of society like a cancer and sent back where you were four years ago, to live under some bridge. And yes, you can use your free speech to spout racist, supremacist nonsense, but if your identity is discovered, you will lose your livelihoods and your reputation.

And that is what you deserve for trying to overthrow the government on behalf of someone who doesn’t even care whether you live or die.

Everyone hates you now. Live with it.
Uncle Sam
prefix 4 years ago
You’re all getting updated NSA profiles now. Happy New Year.
William France
prefix 4 years ago
So what was the point, overthrow the election or the entire government, one begets the other and either is insurrection. Countless court cases, hundreds of qualified opinions on both sides of the isle and fact based data about the election to NOT believe, but believe one power hungry tyrant. If it was planned on any social media you can believe it got scraped, if you were there, you should probably worry, if ya planned it, you should probably worry. If not, dont. Regardless of what side your on we witnessed an insurrection against the United States of America, somebody should have warned um what could happen if it didnt work, and their fearless leader may not be able to pardon anyone. To all you nationalist out there, if you enjoy your internet then your not a nationalist, the internet connected the world, once two different civilisation connect either war or trade starts, globalization is do to the internet not any one person or even any one hundred people, get use to it.
Carol Robbins
prefix 4 years ago
What an embarrassment Democrats and their corporate donors have become to this country. This is what happens when Dem donors are in bed with China.
prefix 4 years ago
Find new material. Basement dwelling mouth breather.
Bryan M Elliott
prefix 4 years ago
Haha. Right wingers in here whining “my public posts are now part of a searchable database; this is 1984!”
prefix 4 years ago
We are about to see what’s what. Nervous?
Nazi Hunting is fun!
prefix 4 years ago
The comment section is riddled with fascists terrified they are gonna get caught and have their lives ruined. Well, ya are… Have fun being unemployable!
prefix 4 years ago
To everyone saying “Parler had standard moderation” I implore you to explain the blatant death threats and blatant plans for violence. It’s one thing to not trust the leftist media, it’s another to not trust your own eyes.

You seditious bastards are the reason the app is shutting down. You besieged our Capitol and was about to cold blood murder several of our most prominent leaders. Just as we sent SEALs to take out bin Laden after 9/11, so is this your consequence: you lose your Klan headquarters. Be glad you weren’t the ones arrested by the FBI, count your lucky stars you were keyboard warriors on 6/1. And stop whining, snowflakes.
Ramjet Rob
prefix 4 years ago
Do you want to know the exact number of people who were arrested and are under investigation that were active users and made plans on Parler? Zero. Anything that was planned was done so on Facebook. This has already been verified so you are ignorant and foolish.
Les Abbott
prefix 4 years ago
So, the title needs to be changed. It should say “70TB of data STOLEN from Parler, by “Security Researchers”.
Ramjet Rob
prefix 4 years ago
Industry Professional
prefix 4 years ago
The article is pure BS … The data acquired was ONLY publicly available data NOT private data and nothing was leaked or hacked. Everybody involved has stated so and the tools used in the acquisition are publicly available. What happened? Some archived public posts on the parler – that is all.

I have to wonder, why are you trying to inflame the situation?
Ramjet Rob
prefix 4 years ago
They accessed and modified accounts to give themselves admin access to that data. What they did was illegal and would be violation of computer fraud and abuse laws because they did not have permission to access it in the way they did.
geoffrey Brenneman
prefix 4 years ago
Only reason this happened parler was a threat to twitter. Main. Stream americans leaving twit for parler
je suis pigpoopballs
prefix 4 years ago
A lot of ex-parler users in these comments nervous that the death threats they deleted after their fascist coup failed are now archived forever lmao
prefix 4 years ago
Yo, braindead righties.

Would you guys mind supplying some of your MAGA cups and mugs? Your tears are over overflowing everything I own.
Kim Muncy
prefix 4 years ago
Parker didn’t plan the incident at the capital, my god y’all are freakin ridiculous! 99.9% of the people in D.C. were peaceful livers of America, a few people did wrong just like blm says a few rioted during their protests. It works both ways. ✌️🇺🇸
Cris Paden
prefix 4 years ago
With regards to reports of cyber security issues Parler experienced and have been attributed to Twilio, our security team investigated the claims and found no evidence indicating their security issues were related to Twilio or our products. Per our Website, Twilio has not issued any press releases pertaining to or referencing Parler. Furthermore, Parler was using Twilio to send out identity verification codes for new downloads or password resets. Once a user was verified, security protocols were independently handled by Parler and did not involve Twilio or its products. On Friday, January 8th, we sent Parler a letter informing them they were in violation of our Acceptable Use Policy and notifying them that we would suspend their account if they did not make efforts to remediate multiple calls for violence on their platform. Shortly after receiving our letter, Parler informed us they had already turned off their integration with Twilio. Any cyber security issues experienced by Parler were completely unrelated to Twilio or any of its products.
John Barron
prefix 4 years ago
Haven’t you jokers realized that all data is up for grabs. Also, free speech doesn’t include inciting hate and violence. It’s quite right to shut down and get the evidence. We must find the ringleaders of these far right extremists – they are dangerous fools.
Ben Dover
prefix 4 years ago
The infamous Austrian would be jealous what these tech companies could accomplish in silencing millions of people in 24 hours…
Yea your not getting my name
prefix 4 years ago
Your first sentence is a literal lie.

The people that were inside the building and that were arrested planned the event on facebook. This is verifiable.

Nice fact checking. Oh i forgot you dont care about the truth. Aside from the rest of this propoganda drivel. “Security researchers” im pretty sure you mean illegal hacking because thats what this is.
Kevin P
prefix 4 years ago
I use the Authy product for 2 Factor Authentication.

It was purchased some time ago by Twilio which let the hackers into Parler.

Is my 2FA now compromised? I have never used Parler, but can I trust Twilio?
An actual patriot
prefix 4 years ago
Good, now hand it to the FBI and let them round up the traitors who tried to overthrow an election.

Maybe next time they won’t try another coup.
prefix 4 years ago
God bless America! With so many deaths due to COVID-19, you would think WE THE PEOPLE could put aside differences and focus more on family and health instead of hatred and social media. We are all just trying to survive in a world where people hate others who look or think differently. Plagues, famine, the flood, and people STILL don’t realize who is in control. Hope everyone learns to love each other before the rapture. Peace, blessings, and good health wishes to you all!
John Doe
prefix 4 years ago
Parler sold your data. Run!
prefix 4 years ago
All these people posting in defense of Parler/commenting that it was a land of pure good intention and wholesomeness are what’s wrong with America today. Parler had more than enough content that read like the Right Wing equivalent of Al-Qaeda and ISIS message boards and its no wonder that GAB is the neo-Nazi mecca its users are now running to. If you call **** on hate and violence from one side but cannot bring yourself to call your own side out for their hateful and violent **** then you are the problem.

Also regarding this deflection crap towards the left at every turn… I am not saying egregious things did not occur during the BLM protests here and there. Did things get out of control here and there? YES. Having said that in the age of high-definition cameras being in 99.9% of the pockets AT EVERY single one of these fiascos and the fact that we exist in a SELFIE and immortalization crazed world its time to acknowledge that words are just words when figureheads on CNN and Fox spout off. The photographic and video evidence UPLOADED RIGHT ON THE SPOT going against the narrative you are trying to push regarding the BLM protests is outstanding. Again things did happen and where they factually occurred with rock solid evidence I in no way condone such because like I said above **** is ****. Same applies to the recent bull**** at our capitol and various State capitols recently.
prefix 4 years ago
Are only traitors allowed post here as that’s all I see?
prefix 4 years ago
Being stupid and posting terrorist threats to a site run by dumb right wingers sure makes dumb right wingers whine
prefix 4 years ago
Sure are a lot of right wing snowflakes now whining because they trusted a site run by stupid right wing extremists
100 Percent Fed Up
prefix 4 years ago
hahahahhaha…gotta love the last line of the article “To me, this is a little more like the Ashley Madison debacle, but for white supremacists,”…these people are brainwashed. They actually believe everyone in a red hat is a white supremacists. The power of establishment media propaganda, manipulating the public on display right here.
Roger Fried
prefix 4 years ago
I love it. It’s time for the data scientists to get to work on this data and to publish their findings quickly.
Rob Rodin
prefix 4 years ago
If Parler is far right, all the rest are obviously far left. Cybernews is just another arm of the deep state’s MSM machine.
Lisa Porter
prefix 4 years ago
Are you for real? Honey we’ve seen hundreds of videos posted by the traitors and insurgents as they committed the crimes. Go away now hon, let the adults talk. Do yourself and any future children a favor, pick up a history book and educate yourself. What happened was criminal. Done by criminals as incited by the biggest one of them all. He sent his own supporter/worshipers into a situation that could have got them killed and he doesn’t care. Never has, never will. All because he refuses to accept that he lost which he did in a fair election princess. You were lied to from day one with that con. 60 separate courts tossed all the lawsuits claiming fraud because THEY BROUGHT NO PROOF! As for antifa darling please grow up. Antifa is short for ANTI FASCIST DEAR! Any sane soldier and patriotic American IS ANTI FASCIST. The DOJ has already stated there was no involvement other than the white supremacist nuts they’ve been arresting. Seriously get off the right wing websites hon before it’s too late.
prefix 4 years ago
God approves of this work. His fist will rain down on all who work to undermine his country. These terrorists who desecrated the American capitol, the symbol of God’s gift of freedom of choice, must be LOCKED UP!!!
prefix 4 years ago
Did you even read the article? There is a Parler post screenshotted that calls for shooting and hanging people. How is this “broadcast news” standards.
P Mac
prefix 4 years ago
The claim made early in this article that Parler was used to plan and coordinate the riots is just plain BS. Parler, unlike other social platforms did not have any groups so it would have been extremely difficult if not impossible to communicate and coordinate anything like that. This is why Parler is not the villain it’s made out to be. Parler is/was a great place to exercise free speech, unlike Twitter and FB
prefix 4 years ago
So, are they going to jail?

Is dorsey banning their accounts for distributing hacked material?

Did this happen because Amazon is turning off their services?
Another deplorable
prefix 4 years ago
Didn’t Twitter lock a newspapers account for “posting hacked material” ….double standard much?
Eric Mohl
prefix 4 years ago
This is the further creation of an ‘enemies of the state list’.

Just exactly how far down the 8 steps toward genocide has the Left now proceeded? https:// borgenproject.org/eight-stages-of-genocide/ 1. Classification: done, 2. Dehumanization: done, look at the rhetoric on the Left; anything right of socialism is a disease or cancer. 4. Organization: in progress, Cancel Culture, 5. Polarization: done, 6. Preparation: in progress: Internet Purge and the creation of (death) lists. 8. I would posit that there is denial on the left that they are actually moving in that direction. They don’t have to wait until the act is completed to begin denying that they have evil intentions.
Charley Dirk
prefix 4 years ago
The Parler info is out there. It backs up the video evidence from D.C. that this was an insurrection and coup attempt. They will need to build a couple of new federal prisons to house all of the people that have admitted to federal crimes on camera, on parler and other far right echo chambers. This was a prosecutors wet dream. Say goodbye!
prefix 4 years ago
Precisely zero of the protesters who went into the capital had Parler accounts. They did it all on Facebook.

Why are you spreading disinformation?
Grumpy wolf
prefix 4 years ago
Twitter and facebook are used to organise blm and antifa riots, but that s fine with the people running the sites. Republicans do it though and everything gets censored including a whole other platform. Also I’m sick of articles saying gab and parler are alt-right or far right sites. How about you call them what they really are, platforms that permit freedom of speech.
Racer X
prefix 4 years ago
I hope these “security researchers” are on the receiving end of not only criminal charges but class action lawsuits. They are doxxing tens of thousands of people, maybe more most of whom just happen to use the same service. This is malicious in the extreme.
prefix 4 years ago
Whoever was doing security for them should be fired. To not use Amazon security protections is just lazy.
They got caught just like any other company with online content can be caught by hackers. I do hope the FBI is able to get a copy and identify more evidence of people planning and plotting along with the users info to track them down for charges.
Perry de Havilland
prefix 4 years ago
So a politically motivated hack by “security researchers”? Awesome journalism 😀
Don the Conald Cuckold Trump
prefix 4 years ago
Lot of MAGA snowflakes here crying about losing their safe space for racism. Go to hell, you disgusting white supremacist deplorables. Good riddance to Parler.
prefix 4 years ago
This is hacking, not “data scraping”. They impersonated users and claimed to have lost their password to illegally access their account and change their password. In what universe is this not hacking and identity fraud?
R. Paulson
prefix 4 years ago
lol so many mad incels in the comments

Have fun when the FBI comes knocking on mom’s basement door for you
prefix 4 years ago
I will give you my address if you want it. These democrats think its all fine and dandy until they are losing their house for something they said that somebody else didnt like.
prefix 4 years ago
Isn’t the 70TBs of data collected from public links that anyone could access with their browser and no account? At least that’s what the Archive Team – which archives all sorts of things online – is saying.

Not saying there was no leak, but you seem to be mixing the two.
Gene Foster
prefix 4 years ago
Why would you post anything that could get you put in jail? I don’t think anybody at the time intended to storm the capitol it was just mob mentality when they figured out it was possible. The thin blue line was thrown in the middle of this insurrection. Anybody who touched a police officer should go to prison for a long time.
Brandon durn
prefix 4 years ago
Once again, it’s ok for the far left to do something like this but before it was unethical, wrong or illegal. So many examples now it’s sick. What happen when wiki leaks exposed illegal activity? They were named traitors. This is so obvious the hypocrisy…..
Jan Kaas
prefix 4 years ago
The biggest lie about Qanon groups on parler is: that they are far right.. does wanting to end global corruption make You far right? Even the most open minded person should support that..
Terrorists Don't Get Soap Boxes.
prefix 4 years ago
Ya’ll seem upset the world is against you. Like, you didn’t see this before? Fascism has no place here. you lost.
prefix 4 years ago
Go attack more federal courthouses
prefix 4 years ago
So, hackers are, “security researchers”?
Kellie lapierre
prefix 4 years ago
There is nothing different on Paler than there is on all other platforms used by the left!!!!
Kellie lapierre
prefix 4 years ago
There’s nothing different on Paler than there is on all other platforms used by the left !!!! NOTHING
prefix 4 years ago
Parler is an echo chamber for far-right propaganda. There’s little difference between Parler and that other far-right looney bin Gab.
Stupidity hurts me
prefix 4 years ago
Then I guess no one should be worried about the data dump then oh well!
prefix 4 years ago
That’s false.

Please, point to me on twitter where there are people planning to kill congress people?

You people think anything you don’t understand is left. You think anyone who points out your demonstrable lies is a leftist. You people are pathetic. Twitter is not left. It tries to stop hate speech on it’s platform.
IT also has million of ‘right’ side accounts of people not lying an spreading misinformation.

Also, becasue you people can’t grok this, I will repeat: “Twitter is a PRIVATE PLATFORM, not the government.

Trumpanzees are America’s ISIS.
prefix 4 years ago
Your political enemies have never used Twitter to stage a shitty coup attempt, so you are wrong.
prefix 4 years ago
So Twilio caused the breach? Their stock must be plummeting now!
prefix 4 years ago
No, since Twilio revoked services to Parler, there was a short gap where Parler was not protected by Twilio and Parler went offline. Security researchers exploiting this gap and scraped the data held on Parler. Nothing is going to happen to them.
prefix 4 years ago
No, poor coding on the Parler end did. Their application wasn’t prepared for the case of unavailability of a core service (user authentication). It’s not relevant why the service was unavailable.

Just dumb coding.
Monty Burns
prefix 4 years ago
It’s actually up 10% this week
prefix 4 years ago
Twilio Inc / Stock Price

362.01 +2.22 (0.62%)
After hours: 362.01 +0.00 (0.00%)

Investors don’t care about the whining of Parler users.
Dave Hunter
prefix 4 years ago
“Parler has lax rules over content.” This is a flat out lie as Parler doesn’t allow threats of violence or posts that advocate violence. This is what Twitter says it doesn’t allow except that it is enforced across the board on Parler while Twitter lets leftists and blue checks advocate violence routinely.

What Parler doesn’t do is censor posts that they don’t like, and in that manner they’re completely the opposite of Twitter, Facebook and Google-YouTube.
Jeff B
prefix 4 years ago
there are multiple screenshots from parler users directly threatening violence.
prefix 4 years ago
So the post shown in this article alone where they say to kill Americans who disagree is against the TOS? See the problem isn’t the platform it’s the people using it, and parler not policing, or enforcing their TOS.
Doug Bishop
prefix 4 years ago
If They don’t censor posts how could they deal with posts advocating violence?
prefix 4 years ago
well I sure hope you grabbed the newly made parler accounts of the left posting pornographic full nude sex pictures of people having sex and crapping on each other’s faces. Not impressive at all. But you leftist claim to be such goody two shoes..please.. How about go out get a full time job and save your money for a down pymt on a home you know like us white privileged people did.. But we are accursed of being spoiled. No, we just believe in a hard day’s work and work for our families and belongings. Now jump because you just can’t resist can you. God will deal with all of the evil in this world each soul will be judged.
Dick addison
prefix 4 years ago
God what planet are you people living on? Parler censors exactly the speech they don’t like. Go on there with common sense centrist logic against right wing idiocy and you get banned instantly. And no, Twitter and Facebook do not allow speech as bad as Parler. That assertion is absolutely idiotic.
prefix 4 years ago
There is literally a screenshot of a post of someone asking for violence in the article Einstein…
prefix 4 years ago
Maybe their TOS didn’t allow it, but there was nothing to stop it. There were tons of threats of violence on Parler. Only a complete idiot would suggest otherwise.
prefix 4 years ago
That’s because they like everything they see in their site, unless someone posted that about equality or some nastiness like that.
prefix 4 years ago
The sanctimonious grandstanding on both sides is gross. You ALL suck. All of you are liars, do you understand? There’s no right or left. None of you can be described as “good.”
Matt Taylor
prefix 4 years ago
Security Researchers? They were doxxed in an effort to scare users and potential members into compliance. This scares no one?
prefix 4 years ago
If you aren’t doing anything wrong.. This has been going on 40 some years now, especially when internet became accessible to most people. If you can get fired for things posted on FB, then why not parlor?
prefix 4 years ago
After it was clear that Parler users threatened the security of the nation, patriotic security researchers released information on these traitors. Trump would be proud.
prefix 4 years ago
So are these people who stole the data ‘hackers’ or ‘security researchers’? The article calls them both. Clearly they broke many laws to obtain that data. I personally don’t care about Parler, Twitter, or any other social media platform where whining about things is the only thing you see. Just give me Facebook and cat videos.
prefix 4 years ago
Parler had more stringent rules for content than Twitter does, the latter of which is still hosting all kinds of hate (eg Iran’s leaders).

Parler used broadcast standard approach. If you can’t publish it on TV or the radio, then it wasn’t permitted on Parler. It was a conservative platform after all, so naturally they’d be more reserved than left leaning media.
prefix 4 years ago
Re-check your Reddit source, they have now retracted. No accounts were compromised, admin or otherwise. Posted text/images/videos were enumerated and archived but nothing like emails, passwords, uploaded ID documents, SSNs.
Are you kidding me
prefix 4 years ago
Hahahahahahahaah who are you trying to kid here? Parler was full of people saying that they needed to hang the leaders of the USA, storm the capitol and start a race war and civil war. Who the hell are you trying to kid by saying it’s more moderated and moderate than Twitter? If Twitter allowed that content, Parler wouldn’t exist.
prefix 4 years ago
Not exactly? Parler was selective about censorship just like any other media platform. Under the current laws(which Trump was trying to repeal, for good or ill; he would’ve gotten Parler, Twitter, and Facebook all closed if he managed it), they couldn’t be held legally responsible for someone on their platform inciting violence, just like how the laws protect facebook and twitter as well.

Numerous users posted messages that, if they were on a broadcast, would’ve been shut down immediately, and if, say, Fox News posted “Someone should put Pence’s head on a pike if he doesn’t follow the president’s orders and do the right thing!” as the title of a program and actually had the content encouraging you to do that? Fox would be off the air and the people responsible facing criminal charges within days.

Part of the issue is that there are three specific kinds of ‘Conservative'(In quotes because misinformation, racism, and violent insurrection are not actually conservative values) talk that are consistently banned elsewhere but not Parler, and some people like to talk about these bans as if they were a ban on conservatives rather than on specific harmful talk; and the problem is that for one of these(Pro-Racist) the more central media has a nasty habit of allowing anti-white racist speech to linger until someone makes a complaint while immediately shutting down much other racist chatter without needing a complaint.
Doug Fresh
prefix 4 years ago
Um….the stuff I read on Parler was far from TV worthy…words expressing death to blacks was one…use of nigger was prevalent, and far from conservative
prefix 4 years ago
This wasn’t a leak, it was people archiving the site before it went down.

It wasn’t a hack either, it was extremely poor coding on the parler side that let anyone right in the front door with a simple forgot password.
prefix 4 years ago
Discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities to breach a system is exactly what hacking is…
Lucas Brown
prefix 4 years ago
Oooh ooh, now do twitter. Let us know how much child porn and threats against the trump administration s life their are.

I won’t hold my breath.
prefix 4 years ago
lol, I’m guessing there would be ZERO. It’s a fantasy easily cured by massive amounts of mental health care.
Not a Parler User
prefix 4 years ago
Excuse me – when is doxxing for political reasons done by “security researchers?”

These actions were illegally, arguably terroristic given the doxxing and political context.

Real security researchers would not do this – it’s illegal even without the doxxing. And, if they did get the data, they wouldn’t reveal it, even to law enforcement, without valid subpoenas.

The wording of this article is at a minimum unfortunate.
So Axial
prefix 4 years ago
So what? What’s the problem here?

A bunch of criminals hang out and plan crimes in their sketchy hovel. Later on, the terrorists get caught, and it turns out that their hovel has worse security than a wet paper bag. Some upstanding tech savvy samaritans capture a trove of evidence concerning these so called “human beings” for public dissemination, so they can be judged by their peers, and for law enforcement, so justice can be served by the state.

Also, “real security researchers?” Lol. You know nothing of which you speak. Speaking as one, there’s a lot of room for personal style and to be motivated by the scummyness of your target. I’ve spent far more effort making life miserable for those who prey on the elderly than I’m paid to do, as a data point.

The really amazing thing was how laughably idiotic parler’s “security” setup was. Though I’m not surprised…
prefix 4 years ago
You could have just stopped after the first sentence. Maybe google doxxing and try again?
prefix 4 years ago
How is this doxxing? The internet isn’t responsible for what ppl put on it publicly. If you join a website that makes information public, expect it to be mined and saved. Seriously reconsider learning about the internet and how it works. Free speech also includes recording publicly accessible information.
prefix 4 years ago
Scraping content isn’t illegal. Parler’s security implementation was horrific. Know the ID of a video, then it yours! ID’s were contiguous, so no need to even know what they were.
Who trusted parler lol
prefix 4 years ago
But it’s not terroristicwlly dozing ‘political content’- it’s scraping literally the whole website and putting it online. It’s more like Wikileaks than anything else.
prefix 4 years ago
I just read about how parlor didn’t use any of Amazon’s proprietary stuff for portability. I’m paraphrasing but it went something like this;

“We didn’t use any of the AWS services, we did everything ourselves, on the bare metal.”

Maybe you should have used the AWS security stuff, clearly your own setup sucked.
Kevin P
prefix 4 years ago
And that woman was wearing a short skirt.

But it looks like Twilio was the guard who left unlocked and walked away.
prefix 4 years ago
The “bare metal” part is the dead giveaway that it’s BS. That has a specific meaning, technically that you are writing firmware, or more liberally writing in assembly, neither of which make any goddamned sense.
prefix 4 years ago
They literally used trial software for some components of their site security It’s amazing to see.
Evara Cotett
prefix 4 years ago
What happened at the Capital never should have happened, but at the same time, Parler isn’t responsible, unless you make Twitter responsible for a lot of the arson and violence in protests that have happened over the past year. There were many voices talking about encouraging that stuff there too. It’s not right, the only reason this one is being focused so much on in a negative light is because it isn’t a left leaning social app. I’m an independent, I believe in the importance of being able to communicate beliefs on either side in order to come to good ideas, I mean there’s no such thing as someone that is right all the time, comparisons are important and so is freedom of speech.

This is exactly the reason why people on the right are more likely to fight back, they’re being shoved into a corner and suffocated with a blanket. Most social media platforms are left oriented, they should allow a right wing one as well. This oppression is exactly the type of thing that might start a civil war. Even just to be able to have a place to speak.

If Twitter can exist, with people who endorse terrible things all the time, then why can’t Parler? Not everyone on Twitter congratulates the arson done even if there were supporters, and the same is with Parler and what happened at the capital. There are complete and utter idiots on both Parler and Twitter, and if Twitter isn’t held accountable to this extent, Parler shouldn’t be either.
Eat shit
prefix 4 years ago
They know most of the right wing are white men, and after DHS released a repot last July saying white supremacy is more dangerous than Islamic terrorists, its clear that this is an open attack on white people, given anyone can be labeled a white supremacist simply for asking the wrong questions these days.
prefix 4 years ago
Why don’t you allow the videos taken by actual protesters and not antifa be posted??!!! You will see a completely different narrative!
prefix 4 years ago
Because “antifa” wasn’t there, dumbass.
prefix 4 years ago
The people who terrorized the nation on January 6, 2021, were not members of any ANTIFA organization. They were neo-fascists working under Trump’s orders.
Cari Hanson
prefix 4 years ago
No one cares about your kombaya moments while your trying to over throw our government!
prefix 4 years ago
Go to the internet archive.

You can see your treason there
prefix 4 years ago
Were you in DC? How do you know?
prefix 4 years ago
I can’t take credit for this, but it’s too good not to share

No one has to dress up like a maga moron to make people hate them. Only 22% of the US population voted for Donald, even fewer of them are part of his cult. A lot of people party vote no matter who it is. He lost, counting the electoral votes, like casting the electoral votes is just dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s rather than being truly significant as it’s not going to change how the electoral college voted. Stopping the count doesn’t change the results, destroying the ballots doesn’t change what they said when everyone already knew what they said. It’s just Kanye Westing Taylor Swift. There is literal nothing to be gained by trying to frame Donald’s supporters.

Two, crowds walked from Donald’s rally to capitol. That’s just a needless complexity to an already terrible plan. They would have had no idea that Donald would encourage his supporters to walk over so they would just be the suspicious group of people going from a rally to suddenly trying to break in to the capitol building to fake stop the count. Either nearly everyone at the rally would have had to been in on this secret plan in order to fake over throwing the government in order to frame Donald’s supporters and to be able get away with not being completely obvious, suspicious, and easy to detain by capitol police or they had to hope like heck Donald said something to encourage a large group of people to go to the capitol so they could blend in.

But if they were already there? It would be super easy to detain them weapon less and easy to realize they weren’t Donald’s supporters without a crowd, which they had no way of knowing would come over. They would have had to be the ones behind the bombs, the guns, and the zip ties, in order to cause a big enough threat that they could get away without being IDed. Which leads us into,

Three, most of them weren’t wearing masks, actively took pictures of themselves, and bragged online. There were even republican politicians there, recording themselves as they did crime. If you’re trying to frame someone, you don’t go around announcing to the world that it’s you doing all the crime. So far everyone I’ve read about who have been arrested are Donald supporters, with internet histories to match.

Either is it a conspiracy so vast that it’s been years in the making with antifa so deep they existed before antifa was a word in the english lexicon. Or a limited number of crazies planned to attack the capitol complete with zip ties, Molotov cocktails, guns and pipe bombs, planted bombs at the rnc and the dnc as a distraction, and they took advantage of the riled up crowd.

Remember not everyone there was a terrorist, some people saw that they were trying to break in and left. A lot of them were just protesting. But given mob mentality it’s not hard to get a crowd that didn’t expect to do more than chant to go, yeah we should break in. So I’m not suggesting everyone that broke in planned to break in. A good portion probably did get swept up in it. They should still be punished, but they didn’t come in tactical gear with weapons. We do know it was partly planned as it’s been reported that it was plotted online and people literally brought weapons.

What’s more likely, super secret conspiracy to pretend to be Donald’s supporters for years involving a massive amount of people but with no recorded evidence of a plot or actual Donald supporters with their recorded plot deciding they were going to be the freedom fighters they always imagined themselves to be?
I don’t protest for either side
prefix 4 years ago
You’re right, Antifa did the biggest conspiracy of all in the capitol siege.

They stopped being Antifa, they became right wing extremists; and then performed an insurrection.

A masterful plot!
prefix 4 years ago
Name one person that was with Antifa.
prefix 4 years ago
The government didn’t shut them down, the market did.
prefix 4 years ago
Why would anyone ever fight for the outgoing president. He would never fight for you and he proved it when he said he was going to walk to the Capitol. But where was he, he ran off with his son, lawyer and Brooks to the Whitehouse to watch everything on TV. He gas never cared about anyone except himself family and friends. Not his voters. Thank God for facial recognition
prefix 4 years ago
By “security researchers” they mean “criminal hackers”.
Fk Trump
prefix 4 years ago
Right Wing terrorists don’t know about security.

Boo hoo. Sweet lil tears
Eat shit
prefix 4 years ago
Better pray those cops don’t get defunded, I would hate for something to happen to you.
prefix 4 years ago
Left wing terrorists don’t understand security in their neighborhoods with trying to get rid of the police, lmao.
Grim Reaper
prefix 4 years ago
They don’t even try to hide their crimes anymore. They want us dead. It’s really that simple.
Not a researcher
prefix 4 years ago
No part of this is criminal
prefix 4 years ago
So Twilio is a gigantic security hole for any site using it. They shot themsleves in the foot.
prefix 4 years ago
Facebook , Twitter, and Youtube’s platform have all been used to LIVESTREAM murders, suicides, torture, and information to encourage inciting violence and riots. This includes ANTIFA and BLM. Did everyone already forget the Black man who was killed by BLM rioters and they livestreamed his death on FB?! ANTIFA and BLM Destroyed businesses, occupied blocks of city streets, vandalized Federal Buildings, and looted. So why are these platforms still up? This is completely double standard!
prefix 4 years ago
No BM, they told Parler to eff off due to the fact they were part of inciting a seditious Riot. Parler shot themselves in the foot and Twillio bounced leaving them vulnerable. Parler shoulda figured as much and had a backup plan. When you pay for a service and the service decides they don’t want your business… the service ends, like cutting off your power. This wasn’t a data breach, they just turned off the security like you turn off the power. Get it straight.
sum guy
prefix 4 years ago
No, parler was so badly coded that they failed open when the auth services were disabled. Purely parlers fault though Twilo should not have mentioned what services they were using.
prefix 4 years ago
Yep. Can’t wait to join the class action lawsuit against Twilio. I usually ignore those things when they’re sent to me, but this one is special.
Nomen Nescio
prefix 4 years ago
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Spoken like a true totalitarian.
prefix 4 years ago
The capital wasn’t stormed!!!!! SEVERAL VIDEOS SHOW THEY WERE 3SCORTED IN BY POLICE!!!!!!
Julie Stone
prefix 4 years ago
Good bye, free speech. This is 1984.
prefix 4 years ago
Free speech, ok. Hate sppech, not ok. Doesn’t matter which “side,” it’s coming from.
Matthew Evan
prefix 4 years ago
Lol free speech means the govt. can’t oppress you idiot
Doug Fresh
prefix 4 years ago
ooh sweetie, unfortunately free speech only applies when the government tries to keep you from saying what you want. Companies are from being obligated to allow hate speech or anything they find unwanted on their monetary generating platforms. So stop you crying and learn the constitution.
Eat shit
prefix 4 years ago
Why do you support capitalism? Why do you support big companies having the ability to squelch basic rights of Americans, on the taxpayers dollar?
prefix 4 years ago
Try reading 1984.

It’s astounding how it took bigots & terrorists to lose their platform for you to be alarmed.
prefix 4 years ago
Go read the book
prefix 4 years ago
Free speech is being destroyed because publicly posted communication is being compiled and made easily available? How do you reconcile statements like this in your head?
prefix 4 years ago
you mean white-Speech ?
people of color have no freedom of speech.
Remember? Your beloved Laura Ingraham said: Shut up and dribble .. or you don’t remember.
Todd Gee
prefix 4 years ago
Try reading it … and the Constitution first. 1st Amendment only prevents Federal gov’t from restricting Free Speech. FREE-DUMB!
Lisa Porter
prefix 4 years ago
Sweetheart it has NEVER been legal to make and broadcast plans of destruction, death or any other crime. Stop with the nonsense dramatics. It’s NOT free speech when you use a PRIVATE business as your platform. Seriously research it some. Look up the Constitution. What it means to be a patriot. History on how our country came to be. Anything useful please.
prefix 4 years ago
Private industries doesn’t protect free speech. Government does via the proper platforms and within certain boundaries.
Michael Gay
prefix 4 years ago
This is literally the opposite of censorship.. This is being accountable for your words and actions. Hidden words open to the world.
prefix 4 years ago
Bye bye traitors. You are stupid fools to believe that taking an insurrection to the national congress is OK. Get ready to go to jail dumbass. Insurrection and free speech are not the same. Try that snake oil somewhere else.
Literally reading 1984 rn
prefix 4 years ago
Have you read 1984? Lol. It’s literally nothing like this.
Mr Peggs
prefix 4 years ago
No, we are all free speech, not nazism
prefix 4 years ago
The government didn’t shut them down, the market did.
This is not a free speech issue anymore then a newspaper refusing to publish my manifesto is censorship.
Johnny Nippleton
prefix 4 years ago
I love the ‘1984’ comments. Amazing how many people like to say this but clearly haven’t read the book nor understand its point.
Miu Ling
prefix 4 years ago
If you have Parler-worthy things to say, please continue doing so in every forum you wish. There’s no one who is telling you to stop saying anything. There is also nothing stopping other people who have the same freedoms from making their own judgement of your opinion and choosing whether or not they want to be associated with you.

Having freedom of speech does not mean people have to agree with you, do what you say, or think like you. Parler was taken down after nearly a year of consistently ignoring nearly 100 terms of service violations. Most accounts will be suspended for ignoring even 1 for more than a few days. Amazon intentionally did not shut Parler down sooner and showed it preferential treatment because of the type of communication venue it was. This event, and the actions it served as a communication medium for were the reasons that Amazon’s hand was finally forced.

It’s fine to have your opinions, but it’s equally important to have all the information.
Ben Dover
prefix 4 years ago
The year of the salvage dog…
Gary Marsh
prefix 4 years ago
I was wondering why these tactics were not used this past summer when our cities were on fire. Police cars firetrucks and personal property was being destroyed..seems like a double standard to me. As millions of dollars and jobs were lost, while a few thousand dollars damage was caused by this protest. Was the capital spray painted anywhere? This wasnt just about this election it was about the democrat behavior the past 5 years. They put all their tax payer dollars into ousting a president instead of taking care of business…wasted our money to benefit their views on the government not the people. Moneny that was spent that could have been used to actually help the black community they claim to represent…but only use to get power…
prefix 4 years ago
Yes they spray painted

More importantly they intended to take hostages and commit murders

Not comparable to a protest considering one seeks change and the other seeks the overthrow of democracy on the orders of a narcissistic Cheeto
prefix 4 years ago
Are you aware that Mitch McConnell refused to bring 450 bills passed by the House, to the Senate floor for a vote. I always thought 100 Senators were to vote on these bills. Count your blessings that Trump and McConnell will lose their power.
prefix 4 years ago
This article is dripping with far left propaganda. Democrats besieged cities for months and burn, loot, and murder. The double standards are mind numbing and the number of fascists on the left that are willing to go too far down the rabbit hole of censorship is amazing.
Also A Patriot
prefix 4 years ago
Customer support regrets to tell you that “Whatbout” expired when the Capitol was breached. Have a nice day.
prefix 4 years ago
The article contains no political propaganda whatsoever. It presents facts about a data leak from Parler.
In fact, there is an opinion at the end of the article, where the ethics of the leak are called into question.
You did not read the article at all, and are just using the comment space for random spouting.
tony little
prefix 4 years ago
I hope to FBI looks at all the people saying funny stuff here. people really need to look up with free speech actually means and what it applies to.
Gregory Blevins
prefix 4 years ago
It makes multiple claims “Parler, a social network used to plan the storming of the U.S. Capitol ” but then shows no proof whatsoever. That is the definition of propaganda. Maybe you need to go back and read the article and understand what it is saying………
prefix 4 years ago
Sorry, attacking the platform and calling it far-right in entirety isn’t something the left says? Huh. Clearly you didn’t read the article, either that or you’re blinded to your left wing bias.
prefix 4 years ago
It is easily a right to far right platform. Perhaps you didn’t read the article.
Dizzie Ras
prefix 4 years ago
It said the platform had lax content rules and attracted the far-right. Can you disgruntled Trump holsters even read?
Eat shit
prefix 4 years ago
Why is a site that allows freedom of speech, labeled far right? Why are you such a midwit that you can’t see simple propaganda?
prefix 4 years ago
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck … it’s a chicken?
prefix 4 years ago
As someone who lived in one of the “beseiged” cities that BLM protested in, the effects of that upon my daily life was… nada. The “seige” was in a four square block area of downtown that contained the Federal courthouse and various city administration buildings, and happened in the evening after everybody had already gone home from work. Some “seige”. Sheesh.
prefix 4 years ago
That’s right. You’re talking about PDX, right?
DK Johnson
prefix 4 years ago
Get yourself a dictionary. You don’t understand facisim and it looks like you have less than average intelligence.
It is better to appear.. but then you spoke. No doubt about it now. Your post drips of ignorance
prefix 4 years ago
Literally more than 1 in 10 Americans who were alive at beginning of plague are officially dead…

Your dictator and his minions called for civil disobedience and murder, not protests

Only a functional brain could help you comprehend why supporting a psychopathic dictator who is directly Responsible for the deaths of a large portion of the citizens of the country it was supposed to run is a mistake…

Drinking the kool aide is special but snorting it in the quantities you obviously are will hopefully be fatal
Dude Above Me Is Not a Patriot
prefix 4 years ago
Yeah, okay, “Patriot”. If this had happened to liberals, you’d be cheering it. Fascist.
Pantifas Innawad
prefix 4 years ago
If they break into a website and steal information they are not “DATA RESEARCHERS”se, but HACKERS & DATA THIEVES for the sole purpose of DOXXING..

By your standards, the nefarious Clinton & DNC emails were also released by “DATA RESEARCHERS”.

Your level of hypocrisy is nauseating.
Joshua Wishon
prefix 4 years ago
Doesn’t really matter. This is going to be used as evidence to find everyone. The person who did this might be given a good reward. This is a good start.
prefix 4 years ago
Data gathering for prosecution must be gathered legally and have a chain of custody. This cannot be used to legally prosecute anyone, at least the data contained in the bereach.
Scott Davis
prefix 4 years ago
Dude above me is an idiot
prefix 4 years ago
The new Congress needs to reinstate massive money for mental health care because about 72 million (Trump voters) obviously need it.
prefix 4 years ago
It’s actually scientifically proven that left-wingers are more mentally unstable and unhappy with their lives than right-wingers. But keep going, buddy!
prefix 4 years ago
Lol this is awesome. If its the study I remember, people who self identified as politically left reported lower satisfaction and levels of happiness because they saw the world as dysfunctional or containing unacceptable injustice but correcting such conditions were seen as massive undertakings while self identified right wing people saw same conditions as justified.

The mental health gap was largely explained by seeking mental health treatment being more socially acceptable in self identified left wing communities and therefore people were either more willing to admit to an issue and get help or more of them just had a positive diagnosis. It basically discovered a link between being on “the right” and running around with an undiagnosed mental illness because your friends would call you a cuck if you admitted to being depressed.
prefix 4 years ago
I love the way you slice and dice these amateurish Trumboners
prefix 4 years ago
Sorry but I created an account just because you got the study totally wrong.

Actually the study in itself DID found discrepancies between liberals/conservatives or left/right., but they tried to explain away why this was. The study was not about how comfortable people were discussing about mental illness at all, this is just a hypothesis they advanced as to why they found more mental illness among leftists.

So the study is right in their findings, but their conclusion has always been the wrong conclusion. I would even argue that conservatives/right-wingers are MORE comfortable discussing about mental illness with their doctors, because they have stable family doctors and they develop a relationship with them, whereas leftists use walk-in clinics more (and get random doctors every time). That is part of city lifestyle. Conservatives go to the doctor regularly, do their yearly checkups, whereas liberals/leftists only go to the doctors when they think they have something to worry about. Not surprising, as discipline and order is more right-wing than left-wing.

Other hypothesis could be made: city-living is bad on mental illness, and liberals love city living. Or the promiscuous lifestyle they have can affect their mental level. Could also be genetics, as we are finding more and more that your political leaning is heavily dictated by your genes.
Dizzie Ras
prefix 4 years ago
And by scientifically proven Chad means he saw that study on conservatives being dumber on average and decided to say the opposite to get back at those nasty libs lmao
prefix 3 years ago
Moderators; time to xensor….oh my!
prefix 4 years ago
No you enaged ina big lie just as some Germans did 70+ years ago
prefix 4 years ago
Your post has so much “dumb” in it that its difficult to keep up. 1) Democrats didn’t “besiege” cities. Almost ALL of the BLM protests were peaceful. There was very little looting after the initial murder of George Floyd by the police. This fantasy that you white supremacists have about there being widespread violence by BLM protesters is simply that, fantasy. 2) There is not such thing as “fascists on the left”. That is an oxymoron. Fascists are, by definition, right-wing politically. You know, like yourself.
real patriot
prefix 4 years ago
your BLM false equivalency argument is tired and flawed. you aren’t a patriot if you support sedition or if you deflect. comparing the protests of oppression and injustice we witness of black citizens daily for centuries with the murderous and seditious attack on the capitol because of unsubstantiated claims of a rigged election is ignorant at best and disingenuous at worst.
Brian Woodturner
prefix 4 years ago
Worried about something, “Patriot”?
prefix 4 years ago
There’s a whole lot of fascist trumpies commenting here. Shouldn’t these nazi redhats be on some other app like Parler so the rest of us don’t have to see their ignorant and anti-democratic and un-american opinions? Looooooooooosers.
prefix 4 years ago
Horrible amounts of it. “They organized protests (or “mostly peaceful protests” as CNN would say) on Parlor!!”

Meanwhile we all just ignore that Antifa organized on Twitter.

Whatever, truth doesn’t matter anymore.
Nyla Potter
prefix 4 years ago
It’s amazing this perpetrator thinks they did something Great! Their actions are worse than what their accusing without due process or warrant. May their criminal actions earn them just due process rewards of 20 to life.
prefix 4 years ago
Sharing information that would otherwise be deleted is not censorship. It’s the opposite of censorship, actually. Parler users should be overjoyed that their posts are once again available for all to see.
Lisa Porter
prefix 4 years ago
Dear heart please pay attention to this.
What happened at the Capitol was INSURRECTION. It was cowardice acts by traitors. Democrats aren’t the only party incensed by that horror. FIVE people died NEEDLESSLY. Do you get the gravity of that? They died because uneducated racist followed the words of a traitor who’s pitching a fit about a very legal and democratic election that HE LOST. The people who took to the streets in the summer dearie, were protesting the MURDERS of people by cops. There is a monstrous difference in the two. The fbi and other agencies also arrested many right wing nutjjobs who were the actual rioters at most of those blm protest. If you took the time to read other things beside conspiracies r us, you could keep up. Stop being one of their propaganda machines. Good god, North Korea never brain washed so many so easily as the GOP has in the last ten years. Grow up please.
prefix 4 years ago
Red Herring – Not sticking to the facts, bringing up another subject not having to do with the subject at hand whatsoever. Nice deflection try, though.
Jim Vacchio
prefix 4 years ago
What the hell U smoking Non Patriot?Go into Ur rabbit hole and stay in there.
prefix 4 years ago
Fake news, you traitorous trumpican zealot.
prefix 4 years ago
Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. Doesn’t represent the left’s ideology.
prefix 4 years ago
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”
Benito Mussolini
Real Patriot
prefix 4 years ago
Oof, that’s a poor take there champ. Keep defending the cop-killers and terrorists…
prefix 4 years ago
The article appears just to be giving what the authors believe to be facts surrounding the leak.

It even makes the point that not every Parler user was involved in wrongdoing, and makes a remark questioning the ethics of he leak.
prefix 4 years ago
prefix 4 years ago
Funny how the left acts so tiugh as if they weren’t a bunch of whiney liars. Whenever the right reacts were always the bad guy. No problem lefty we know you love being a victim
prefix 4 years ago
You’re full it dude. The burning and so forth was done by far right extremists.
Simon Jester
prefix 4 years ago
OK fascist
More Patriot Than You
prefix 4 years ago
eat me, fascist
prefix 4 years ago
Being called a fascist by a communist is a compliment.
Lisa M Maxwell
prefix 4 years ago
prefix 4 years ago
LOL, the idea that fascism is has anything to do with being on the left. Numbskull.
John J Spokas Jr
prefix 4 years ago
How can you be a fascist from the left?
Based turkey
prefix 4 years ago
Fascism is a form of athoritarianizm. In america’s political climate the people asking for more federal restrictions and bigger government are not right wing individuals, at least not anything prevalent to me. Regardless if some are there is a ton less than anything left wing people are pushing for. Fascism was a right wing ideology but in america the ideals apply much more closely to left wing policies and ideas than right wing ones in america. Hitler “safeguarded public security” by taking away people’s civil rights. Nowadays left wing people ( a lot of not all) want to.
Not allow the second ammendment
Not allow people to say anything deemed hurtful to others. Not allow political opposition on social media.
Not allow people to choose If their businesses stay open ( I’m personally opposed to bars being open but you can’t pretend that it a “free” country if I can’t even open my private business legally.)
Many Not allowing people to even voice differing opinions without being ejected from their job because of some crazy people calling their job saying that they are “far right” activist.( I’m pro single payer healthcare and UBI and I’ve been called far right because I want to be allowed to defend myself)

Increasing taxation on middle and upper class americans to benefit poorer people. (Though I am pro single payer things like forcing people to pay more for healthcare that they may not want could very well be seen as authoritarian)

Compared to the right wing ideology of what?
Some religious wackjobs don’t want gays to marry?
You could say not allowing abortion is authoritarian (which is true) but just like when I mentioned single payer healthcare there is actual ethical implications that some on each side may agree and disagree with. So if we cancel those out that is 5 to 1.
The left wing ideology in america is a lot more authoritarian. Now if we are talking about nationalism then yes the right wing in america is the leader in that by far. Most left wing people aren’t patriotic at all, which is a good and bad thing. Nationalism can bring rise to discrimination and that for sure needs to b curbed, but I think taking away fundemental rights of speech and defense are more important than this ridiculous idea that the hispanic people are “takin our jobsss”
No One
prefix 4 years ago
You have no idea what fascism is apparently. Fascism has an economic aspect and a social/tribal aspect. The economic aspect involves control over the means of production by a corporate state. It doesn’t matter if the state owns the corporations or the corporations own the state, the end result is the same. The social aspect of fascism involves the “other”. Some group of people, usually a religious and racial majority, has an image of some minority religious or ethnic group held up as an enemy who is trying to destroy their way of life. For Hitler and the Nazi’s, they held up Jews, communists, socialists, homosexuals, and intellectuals as their enemies. Fur Trump and his MAGA cult, it is Mexicans, Jews, Muslims, Chinese, and Liberals. You would know these things if you turned off faux News and read a book sometimes.
prefix 4 years ago
I appreciate your introspective response, but I disagree with you. Fascism is not synonymous with authoritarianism and even if it were, this administration has utilized authoritarian power more in the last 4 years than any other president in recent memory. The countless executive orders to unilaterally realize your goals seems far more authoritarian than a body of elected officials passing legislation to improve the nation, whether their efforts are misguided or not. The efforts you cite, (2nd amendment, curtailing speech, and lock downs) are more or less affected by private individuals not by democrat officials. While the average person would try to affect the changes you cite by using the court of public opinion, law makers are generally unable to violate our rights in the way you suggest they are trying to (save for exceptions where the public good outweighs the individual’s rights such as the biggest health crises of the century).
I encourage you to look at Umberto Eco’s 14 common features of Fascism;
and the 14 characteristics of Fascism.
prefix 4 years ago
Grow up for goodness sake.
prefix 4 years ago
False equivalency. Please post the names of Democrat politicians who said they supported the looting. There were no murders FYI.
prefix 4 years ago
25 people were killed during the BLM protests and riots. One man was straight up murdered in Portland for being associated with Patriot Prayer. Most protestors killed were shot to death. 2 police officers in Compton were shot in their cruiser simply for being cops.

There’s extremists and both sides, Don’t ignore it.
prefix 4 years ago
No, the Patriot Prayer guy in Portland was killed because he’d been threatening other people at the protest. It was self defense. Of course, now that’ll never be proven because law enforcement decided to send a SWAT team after him & take him out in a hail of bullets in the middle of an apartment parking lot with a bunch of innocent bystanders around (including an 8 year old boy). At a another Proud Boy protest the week before, a different PB shot randomly into a crowd of people. Fortunately, he didn’t hit anyone but despite plenty of witnesses, the cops on site just let the guy walk away (even though there were cops not 10ft away when he did .it. He didn’t get arrested until days later, after there was massive public outcry. And I explain all of that because it shows exactly why a left wing protester had more reason than usual to assume he’d have no protect from an *armed* right wing protester. (Fun fact: the victim had a loaded gun on him along with canisters of tear gas. Funny out that was barely mentioned outside of local media). Background, I actually liver here in Portland. Local news had a *lot* more detail on the whole thing.

But speaking of deaths, funny how you’re making a big deal of the ONE right wing protester killed by a left-wing protester but ignoring the multiple left wing protestors killed by right wing protesters– one of whom openly lamented in court that he’d killed “white people”. (That would be Rittenhouse)
Also, I have to ask if your death count are all deaths specifically related to the protests. I bring that up because I know Fox News & the extreme right wing media were including a horrific shoot out here in Portland in their accounts as being part of the protests when in actual fact, it occured on the other side of the city.& had nothing to do with the protests at all. I know other deaths turned out to be gang-related or otherwise not related to the protests themselves.
And of course there’s the fact that the whole reason the protests happened in the first place is because law enforcement keeps killing unarmed black people..
Nazi hunter
prefix 4 years ago
On my list “Patriot”
prefix 4 years ago
Yes, you are right, protesting against racisms is the same as invade government property and kill, the Democrats, like you mentioned, did low, and Republican just upgraded, just remember, inside the Capitol was all the Snake’s there, both sides… what you think going to happen to the rats!!
The Rat Catcher
prefix 4 years ago
See you at home, patriots 🥾🐀
prefix 4 years ago
Bye bye traitors. You are stupid fools to believe that taking an insurrection to the national congress is OK. Get ready to go to jail dumbass.
prefix 4 years ago
Maybe Parler should have used their Capitalism more wisely and not signed-up on a contract that required them to remove violent content…? Remember, they violated their terms of service with Amazon, and that’s what got them booted – they would not have been fired-off their platforms if they just complied and followed the rules. If they were innocent, then they would not have been rejected from the service, right? Right.
Comment section is there to communicate effectively
prefix 4 years ago
I checked some parler explanations on content moderation. Where it works on a points-based system. Where multiple strikes would get an account banned and whatnot. So, im not sure why many media arent reporting that there IS a moderation method, but it wasn’t effective enough. This antagonistic behaviour towards fellow citizens is very sad.
prefix 4 years ago
Well said brother
martina marty
prefix 4 years ago
destroying federal property…I think trump wrote an executive order on this…mandatory 10 years in jail for destroying federal property…ah back in the summer…whats good for the goose is good for the gander…(portland oregon)
Lisa M Maxwell
prefix 4 years ago
Absolutely! I read the first sentence & it’s evident that we are no longer living in the United States of America as we know it.

God help us.

Not only is MSM fake news – unknown & unimportant entities such as this will spread lies, create yet more division in our great country & perpetuate war.

They think this is a game.
prefix 4 years ago
No one committed treason as you did Wednesday
prefix 4 years ago
What propaganda? This seems to ba a “this is what was done and this is how it was done” article. There is some discussion of the ethics, with no clear conclusion.

I didn’t read anything written that advocates support for or against the actions.

I don’t get your point.
prefix 4 years ago
Sure maybe,
At the same time why was Parler keeping logs of EVERYTHING while claiming to be a representative of free speech. Seems like Parler was an FBI honeypot.
Todd Gee
prefix 4 years ago
Facts don’t care about your feelings, cosplaytriot.
prefix 4 years ago
No one besieged a city.
There where thousands of protests, and less carnage then you people failed insurrection.
What murder?
Fascism is a right ideology, not a left. Maybe read a book on it?
What censorship? Where is the government censoring anything?
When did the “left” try to kill congress people?

Your rabbit hole has made you mentally ill.
Everything you posted is demonstrably false.
prefix 4 years ago
How quickly you forget the Sanders supporter shooting Congresspeople on a baseball field for no reason at all.
prefix 4 years ago
Shockingly you must not follow the Communist News Network where an avowed Bernie follow tried to shoot a bunch of Republican congressmen. Guess gun control failed on that one.


But, as long as you say it then it must be true.
prefix 4 years ago
Literally occupying parts of a city and trying to establish your own government isn’t besieging? Destroy a police department isn’t besieging? Burning down small businesses and looting along with killing people isn’t besieging? The left just don’t see any of their shenanigans as bad because they do it. Odd.
prefix 4 years ago
Tell me. What was the name of the Nazi party in Germany? And what did they end up being? Just saying. Fear the idiot with good intentions.
prefix 4 years ago
Mate I don’t think you know what a fascist is.
Here, I got a link for you:

This is the relevant bit:
“a cult of the leader who promises national restoration in the face of humiliation brought on by supposed communists, Marxists and minorities and immigrants who are supposedly posing a threat to the character and the history of a nation.” That is, fascism focuses on one person as leader, fascism says communism is bad, and fascism says that at least one group of people is bad and has caused the nation’s problems.

Now you tell me whether that sounds more like the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.
tony little
prefix 4 years ago
I hope to FBI looks at all the people saying funny stuff here. people really need to look up with free speech actually means and what it applies to.
prefix 4 years ago
Instead of hoping why don’t you just take a screenshots of anything you find suspicious and directly report it to fbi online with links so they can track the IP address being accessed by that account to the physical address & billing information and then link it to the social media accounts to do a proper investigation?
prefix 4 years ago
Your momma says to get off the internet, get a job and get OUT of her basement!!
prefix 4 years ago
LOL the fact that your name is “Patriot” is a clear sign that you are clueless. One group was reacting to LEO assassinating unarmed blacks; the other is a bunch of children whining because they lost an election. Don’t even attempt to put these two groups on the same level.

p.s. If you think the election is “rigged” you are officially an idiot
prefix 4 years ago
Cops kill more whites than blacks.
prefix 4 years ago
Aww shucks… a nazi is terrified people are gonna find outt about his hate and ruin his life. Well he’s right. Gonna come get you “patriot”.
prefix 4 years ago
The pathetic whataboutism on the right to justify a failed coup is beyond amazing…. more like disgusting.
GOP are POS Fegs
prefix 4 years ago
Boo, cry more, vanquished loser.

Do you also live with your mommy like Jake Angeli? You’re all the 400lb hacker loser Trump bitched about.

Trumpism is dead. Pack your bags, Comrade.
bo derek's ghost
prefix 4 years ago
you mean white-Speech ?
people of color have no freedom of speech.
Remember? Your Mama (Laura Ingraham said: Shut up and dribble)
prefix 4 years ago
Make up your mind, are we antifa or are we fascists? Those are mutually exclusive
prefix 4 years ago
Lmao at you treasonous snowflakes!
Big D
prefix 4 years ago
prefix 4 years ago
When did the Democrats burn, loot and murder?
If you hadn’t noticed, Capital Hill was invaded by terrorists.
Patriot lol. Reeks of qAnaon, and the consumption of tRump bullshit flavored kool-aid
Josh March
prefix 4 years ago
You remember chaz that was Dems the Dems tried to take a whole city far worse then what happened at the capital violence is usually a very bad thing but how long can you silence people before they fire back if everybody would listen to everybody’s point of view this could be solved you can’t just have it your way there has to be compromise without it love it hate it whatever it only gets worse
tony little
prefix 4 years ago
John Heath
prefix 4 years ago
You have been lied to and did not notice. You say, “Democrats besieged cities for months and burn, loot, and murder.”

If you are referring to the oft maligned “BLM riots”, please just look at the arrest records by the police. Well over 90% of the people that burned, looted, and murdered were Boogaloo Bois, III%, Proud Boys, and other trump buddies. Just like Jan 6.

Walked around the autonomous in Seattle and spoke with people that were living there. We live a mile away. The general media and ESPECIALLY the rt wing liars were not telling the truth. That area has had various crime and gang troubles for years and, according to official police records, it was a little SAFER during the time of autonomy. You appear to follow a president that loves to lie and mislead. You are being lied to. The facts are available, but your “news” lies to you. I bet you will not believe me, but do some actual research. Stop letting them tell you what to think.
Thomas Montague
prefix 4 years ago
“besieged cities for months” HA!
This scene of utter chaos in cities, which they see as exclusively populated by people they fear and hate, is quite popular among the TRAITORS. This vision is held by people who only observed the protests on biased television, like FoxNews. But a large majority of Americans live close enough to the protests to know that there no was siege, nor months of mayhem as he describes. This treason-loving “Patriot” (HAHA!) wants to deny the significance of the violent insurrection and terrorism committed by his fellow poorly informed and/or poorly educated goons.
prefix 4 years ago
You should log into Parler and complain about it…oh wait!
prefix 4 years ago
What’s your username on Parler? I’ll vet you personally.

I mean,, if you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear, right?

Lol…I am going to focus on all the names with Patriot.
prefix 4 years ago
It is your comment that is dripping with propaganda.

The article seems to be reporting the apparent facts.

And in fact it calls into question the ethics of the leak, which can be interpreted as somewhat of an expression of sympathy toward the users and is platform.
Graham Haley
prefix 4 years ago
Lol I bathe in your MAGA tears!
prefix 4 years ago
Lock’em up!
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