Could Sonos' new product release work as a distraction from its botched app drama?

Sonos users are not about to forgive and forget when it comes to the company’s app.

Sonos, the audio manufacturer, seems to be working its way up from the mess it got itself into last year with its failed app update.

The company had a hard time recovering after it released a buggy app update that made some users reconsider using Sonos devices altogether.


This year, Sonos has already implemented some big changes. It was announced that its CEO, Patrick Spence, had stepped down and been replaced by Tom Conrad, a former executive at Snap Inc. and the Pandora music streaming service.

The company’s new head is reportedly keen to get Sonos back on track and moving forward again.

The latest speculations might prove that Conrad isn’t just all talk, no action. The Verge has reported that the company has plans to release a streaming player, which could be priced between $200 and $400.

Codenamed Pinewood, the streaming device would provide content from platforms such as Netflix, Max, and Disney Plus. The device would include universal search throughout streaming accounts and Sonos Voice Control.

The device would also come with a remote control equipped with shortcuts to often-used streaming apps and feature several HDMI ports for connecting gaming consoles and 4K Blu-ray players.

The new device is also expected to support the company’s speakers, but it's not yet known which ones.

The streaming player should be introduced at some stage this year.

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The news about Sonos' future streaming device started a discussion online, with some expressing skepticism about Pinewood.

“[...] Its beautiful UI was designed alongside an advertising firm? You’re gonna try to sell me a $400 streaming box with ads? That’s your big new launch that’s gonna save the company?” Wrote one Reddit user, emphasizing the fact that Sonos is partnering with The Trade Desk, a digital advertising company.

“I’ll reserve judgement until I see more details but I will say that Sonos need to knock this out of the park,” shared another user, starting a debate about how the company is handling its ongoing crisis.

“Fixing the app is ‘something we all want’ and should be priority #1 before rolling out any new shit,” replied another user.

The company has still been working on fixing the current problems. Users now report that the app works better and that they can adjust volume instantly.

However, it seems that at this point, even with the new hardware release, Sonos will still find it difficult to please its users, who are still annoyed at how the situation with the app was handled.

“As long as Sonos doesn't change their attitude towards their consumers, they don't deserve your money,” concluded another user online.