Facebook users targeted in copyright infringement scam

Hackers are sending fake copyright infringement notices to Facebook users to steal their credentials, a new research by Avanan has found.

In a phishing attack that primarily targets organization accounts, users would receive fake copyright infringement notices threatening to terminate their pages – unless they immediately take action.

"Your account has been suspended. This is because your account, or activity on it, doesn't follow our Community Standards," read one of such messages shared by Avanan.


The fake notice went on to say that a photo uploaded to the account's page violated Facebook's copyright infringement policy and that the decision could be appealed within 24 hours.

"If you miss the deadline, your account will be permanently disabled," the message warned, instructing to follow a link to make an appeal.

Copyright infringement phishing message. Image by Avanan

While the link looked legitimate, hovering over it made it clear it did not lead to a Facebook-related page, Avanan said. Instead, it led to a credential-harvesting website.

Researchers also noted that the sender's address was visibly fake but said the spoof email was otherwise "fairly believable." Like all effective phishing schemes, it plays on the urgency of a matter and even mentions the page it targets by name.

Organizations that rely on their Facebook page for advertisement, awareness, and other business activities could be particularly vulnerable, Avanan said.

"Filing a quick appeal seems reasonable. That's where the hackers try to get you," it said, adding that "waves" of these emails indicate the scam was working.

"When we see a number of similar attacks spoofing the same brand, we know that the hackers are getting people to bite," researchers noted.


Security professionals advise users to always hover over all links before clicking them and double-check sender addresses to avoid getting duped. Instead of clicking on the link in the email, it is advisable to log into the Facebook account directly to check its status.



Doris Flewellen
prefix 1 year ago
I'm currently having this issue now. Although, my account hasn't been shut down or deleted, as these notifications have continued to warn, I'm still getting threats that my page will be deleted. What can anyone do? I even reported the pages to Meta everytime I've received these fake notifications, but they sent me back a reply saying the page doesn't go against their policy and they didn't find any violations. These accounts are clearly FAKE, how does meta not know these threats are fake when they using their name and likeness? Meta doesn't care about their users, or their users use of its platform. To allow users pages to be hacked and deleted is obsurb and inconsiderate.
Mohamed Ezz-eldin
prefix 1 year ago
same to me, my account has been hacked and turned to be "meta copyright infringement" but after too may appeals, and after too many tails I success to get back my account and changed my account and linked my email, but Facebook still showing me message that "Infringement, you submitted an appeal on dddd" check back here for the results" with not access,
even when I access my account from another device, it shows me two options 1st one to approve from another device which is my device but can't approve due to appeal massage, 2sd one to enter two authenticator no which is not longer with me.
what can I do to?
prefix 1 year ago
IF ANYONE KNOWS ANY TIPS ON RESTORING THEIR ACCOUNT or ANY WAY TO GET TO SOMEONE AT FB WHO CAN HELP...PLEASE POST TIPS. so awful, and frustrating. both my business and personal were stolen and now I am listed as Meta Copyright Infringement.
prefix 1 year ago
Mine aswell!
prefix 1 year ago
My email stating that my account was disabled and hit "APPEAL" did not link to a fake site. It went to facebook.com/login.
prefix 1 year ago
I also had my user name changed to "Meta Copyright Infringement". I too lost everything going back to 2008 and a business page. I need to know what I can do - No Phone Number or Email to reach out to
prefix 1 year ago
The fact Facebook can't stop these scams from appearing on their own messaging platform - like the one I just received - shows how inept they are, and how little they care about their customers with business pages. Anyone who has had their pages hacked and shut down - like once happened to me - knows this too well. A visit to their Better Business Bureau listing in Menlo Park tells the story.
Tia Monique
prefix 1 year ago
This just happened to me! I just completed a whole process for like 2 hours and realized something was strange once I was my account was “reinstated” This is really bad!
prefix 1 year ago
All the above!!! We are all victims and Facebook/Metta needs to do something! You can’t talk to anyone! Years of work, images, gone!!
Mindy Hovious
prefix 1 year ago
Mine happened to me in September is there anyone who has been able to get it back. Mine just this morning came back and liked a couple of photos that’s how I knew but then it was gone again in an hour. Mine has also been rename Mindy Meta Copyright Infringement.

Has this happens to anyone else I want all my pictures back.
Allen Jones
prefix 1 year ago
This scam seems to be coming through Facebook messaging notifications, not just emails. I received one with a very believable link that I clicked.
prefix 1 year ago
I did the same thing. It looked like it came from Meta to my business account (which could have had a legitimate copyright issue), with the Meta logo. I can’t believe that FB has done NOTHING to help me get my account back. Maybe this will eventually turn into a class action lawsuit…?
Meredith Battles
prefix 1 year ago
I had to make a new account and start over, but I don't know how to regain access/control of my business pages. Any help??
prefix 1 year ago
Anyone know how to get fb’s help to fix this?
Kylie James
prefix 1 year ago
I am heartbroken, clearly meta has to try to fix this/ all us business owners have lost everything when things are hard enough as it is!
I’ve lost 13 years of photos, travel around and the world and now my entire business page too! Completely unacceptable as should have been prevented!
P.S I didn’t click anything, they just changed everything within seconds and I was locked out.
prefix 1 year ago
It happened to me September 21 and I’ve had zero results. I have looked on Reddit, talk to friends at Michigan Tech. Absolutely nothing worked.
sita lama
prefix 1 year ago
please give me my fb account
Wendy Stancil
prefix 1 year ago
I’m confused. So if you click on the link to review, they now have your credentials? Unfortunately I did, because it came via messenger and appeared to be from meta. What do I need to do now? My pages are active..I’ve changed my passwords related to FB…but does this mean they have access to credentials beyond FB? Dammit. What garbage. I’m sorry for everyone dealing with this.
prefix 1 year ago
Last week this same hack/scam happened to my account too. I tried to log back in and appeal but it says that my account has now been deactivated. In our family messenger chat's my former account appears as "meta copyright infringement" but when my family clicks on my account it says "Sorry this account cannot be accessed right now" Any advice? I didn't receive any emails prior to this happening BTW
James Sheen
prefix 1 year ago
One of my Facebook Groups has been suspended due to Facebooks claim, that it has gone against Facebook Community Standards. Well thats a surprise to me, because it has been perfectly ok for the past 7 years. I have lodged an appeal, and believe it is due to a BOT that has gone wrong. I know I am not alone in this, as this evening I went to upload something to a group I regularly use, and it does not show up at all.

Facebook really need to sort this out
prefix 1 year ago
I have just had this happen to me today. Its saying this cannot be reversed. I cant even start another account as is says my account is disabled. I really don't know what to do. I have a business account also which is still up and running but it has shut down my personal account which i have had since 2008. Any suggestions?
Tiara Nicole
prefix 1 year ago
I’m going through this exact situation right now and it’s mind boggling. I’ve had my accounts since 2008 as well and had businesses linked.
David S
prefix 1 year ago
This has just happened to me too, they changed the name to "Meta copyright infringement", changed my password, email and back up email. My personal and bussiness facebook page are gone, and so much information with them. If anyone manage to get them back please let us know
Michelle Bessey
prefix 1 year ago
Hi, did you get you account back? This happened to me just this morning :(
prefix 1 year ago
I'd love to hear from anyone that gets this fixed. I've had the same exact issue. Personal and business. Years of beautiful photos gone... and friends.
Alan Cox
prefix 1 year ago
Me too Sue. I had to create a new profile to get back on to Facebook but lost all my friends and access to groups I created. No help at all from Facebook
prefix 1 year ago
I just saw a similar message on my inbox now
It looked so suspicious, some words weren’t correctly spelt
I checked my email and no such notification so I decided to copy and paste the message on google and boom…I saw this post!

prefix 1 year ago
This just happened to me and as soon as I clicked the link my internet stopped working on my phone and my laptop. I just managed to use my old phone to Google for a solution 😪😭
Jam Eye
prefix 1 year ago
If anyone knows how to get a code or how to get ahold of facebook that would be amazing! This happened to me too. I run 2 businesses through facebook. I was able to log into Meta Business Suite through instagram and it looks as though I can post on my Facebook business pages through there but I would really like my personal profile back. All the years of photos lost breaks my heart!
Blake Walker
prefix 1 year ago
I am in the same position as you, Its very frustrating :( I've had my account for 16 years.
FB seem impossible to contact.
please let me know if you have any success - Blake W
prefix 1 year ago
Mine has been disabled as well. Whst can we do i have this account for my business ?
Joy Kennedy
prefix 1 year ago
I don't get this - my account was hacked for my ad account then facebook disabled my account and now i am restricted and my name is meta copyright infringement
Doreen Gee
prefix 1 year ago
Exact same thing happened to me. They showed one of my photos of my tomato garden and accused me of copyright infringement! I never did anything and it has been a month! Never felt more powerless against a very real threat!
Arthur Mulroy
prefix 1 year ago
Exactly the same thing has happened to me .. they don't realise all the hard work down the drain .. our Facebook page is our pride and joy and now they've taken
Roni A Mauer
prefix 1 year ago
They sent me a link to download my info and all my pictures are there.
Angela jane mead
prefix 1 year ago
I have just managed to log into my account and follow the appeal process, so it might be worth trying again if you have not already. About 5 days ago my account was disabled and i was told this would not be reviewed and the decision was final.... fingers crossed FB have fixed the hack and we can get our accounts back.
prefix 1 year ago
How did you appeal or contact them?
Kylie James
prefix 1 year ago
Did you get it back?
Julie Massin
prefix 1 year ago
Have you gotten you account back?
I just got blocked by Facebook for no reason. I'm freaked out.
Blake w
prefix 1 year ago
This happened to me 3 days ago.
My account is disabled due to "meta copyright infringement' , Ive had this account for 16 years and is linked to all my business accounts and cannot use anything. When putting in an appeal using the form it immediatley says i cannot review.
There seems to be no other way to contact facebook. If they would just look at my account they can clearly see i was hacked from another country which ive never been to in the middle of the night. If someone knows another way to contact facebook support please let me know??

prefix 1 year ago
Any luck on getting this resolved?? I have just been disabled today with the same problem...
prefix 1 year ago
I'm sorry this happened to you, it probably happened as described in the post above, I too received the credential phishing emails. They are easy to mistake for the real thing and click through. Search Reddit, there are some good suggestions there for resolving this, I don't think I can post links here. And when you regain access, be sure to set up a fake profile and add it as a full "admin" to all your business pages – then you can quickly regain access in future.
prefix 1 year ago
This has happened to me too and it’s really worrying me. I really feel for everyone, especially those with years of memories on Facebook and for those with important business pages. I keep checking here to see if there are any updates. Does anybody know of anywhere else we could be looking for answers? Also, has anybody had any problems with their Instagram? I can log into mine but somebody has posted a spam post under my name. Thank you 🙏
prefix 1 year ago
My account has also been hacked and disabled everytime i try and go through support i get absolutely nowhere, i just want my account back, i feel gutted!
prefix 1 year ago
Exactly the same. It's impossible to contact them. I'm getting no where.
Scott Massey
prefix 1 year ago
It’s crazy! Just happened to me also! Reading the comments on here it looks like a common theme of how the hackers are doing it. My case is identical. I can’t login and it says copyright infringement. I can’t get any help from meta because you have to login. Is there any way to resolve this issue? Someone needs to bring these crooks down ASAP!
prefix 1 year ago
I have been closed down as well . I have a business from here and now closed. What can we do ?
Justin Still
prefix 1 year ago
This just happened to me today. It shows my fb name with "copyright infringement " after that and now my account is disabled.

How do I fix this?
Jana Pili
prefix 1 year ago
Same. I can’t even log in w email or phone number. Says not found.
Laura Bachinski
prefix 1 year ago
Just happened to me plus a fraud charge on my credit card associated with the account. Also linked to my business account. What in the heck do we do? You can’t get anywhere with the links on fb or meta
prefix 1 year ago
I have fallen victim to this and would love it if any of you that have posted on here could help me with how to reach Facebook and reinstate my account? Thank you.

prefix 1 year ago
What's going on with Facebook? I got hacked on 24th August. My password was changed. When I want to log into my account I'm greeted with " Copyright Infringement infringement " I appealed to FB told them I don't know what I posted since I was locked out of the account. Yesterday I tried to log into the account, finally it allowed me put the password then it said wrong password. Your password was changed a week ago. There's no way I changed the password a week ago. This means this a week ago was when these malicious people hacked my account! Today finally Facebook gave me an option to provide them with an email where they can send me the Code. I provided the email. They sent me the Code. I confirmed the Code. Got excited that I'm finally login into my account! Only to be greeted by "Copyright Infringement infringement " with a post of 2 men carrying AK 47 guns! According to Facebook apparently I shared that post! This is so wrong and disgusting I have never seen such a post in my life before. I don't even wanna look at it! I'm very shaken about this. I'm so infuriated! I feel that my privacy has been tampered! I feel that Meta themselves should do better in protecting people who are using their platform. The so called shared post is written in a language I do not understand! My feeling is that I accepted a friend request from wrong malicious people! Now my page is restricted! My name there is "Copyright Infringement infringement" They then said the following;

You can't advertise for 19 days
You can't go live for 19 days
You can't start or join any calls for 19 days

I'm not happy about all this. I'm still searching for ways to reach Meta and explain that I know nothing about the shared post on my profile! I don't associate myself with any hate, or anything harmful to society! The post shared on my page is totally different from what I post! Facebook should do better! We are suffering for the sins of others!

"Furthermore, I would like to highlight that prior to this incident, I diligently followed and adhered to all of Facebook's community standards, taking great care to ensure that my page remained clean and in accordance with the guidelines. Facebook itself always confirmed that I was in compliance with the community standards. It is therefore deeply unsettling and incomprehensible to me how this could have happened to my account. I am shaken to the core by this ordeal, and I am left questioning the motives of individuals who can stoop to such levels of cruelty. Once I regain full access to my page, I intend to be extremely cautious and selective in accepting friend requests on Facebook. This situation has been deeply offensive to me in every way imaginable. I have never engaged in any wrongdoing on Facebook before.

Additionally, I myself have been a victim of abuse on Facebook. Numerous groups used to post explicit and sexual videos or photos in my Facebook Messenger. Despite reporting these incidents to Facebook for harassment, the individuals responsible continued their actions until I blocked them all. Moreover, if they can review my Facebook Messenger history, they will find a significant number of unsolicited video calls, numbering in the hundreds. Despite reporting these violations of my privacy to Facebook, no action was taken until I researched on Google to find ways to stop them. I followed the steps provided and restricted Facebook Messenger, which finally put an end to the issue. It seems that the post that appeared on my page could be another one of these malicious attacks orchestrated on Facebook. I am just as much a victim. Im urging fb to review my Facebook history since 2009, including my Messenger history, to verify that I do not engage in responding to unsolicited messages. I only respond to a few necessary ones. As further proof of the harassment I faced on Facebook, they can find a post on my page where I pleaded with the men who were video calling me to stop and warned them that they would be blocked. It is possible that this incident has angered whoever hacked my page, merely to assert dominance over me. To Facebook, I am simply a victim caught up in these unfortunate situations on your platform. I sincerely beg you to clear my name and provide me with the resolution I desperately seek."

prefix 1 year ago
This just happened to me and I am absolutely beside myself about what to do. How did you appeal to Facebook??? I cannot reach Facebook as I am no longer existent - no passwords work, nothing works ? My name is now “Monica copyright infringement”.

How did you appeal this?
prefix 1 year ago
the same thing happened to me. they changed everything and now facebook says they cant find my email address or account associated to it. my name was changed to Meta Copyright Infringement. If someone has a solution, please advise.
prefix 1 year ago
This happened to me also and I have to clue how to fix it! Facebook has not been any help. I have a business account attached to my personal page so I am worried that they are scamming people. If you find a solution can you please share it with me? I am desperate to recover my page but do not know how.
prefix 1 year ago
Can I ask how you appealed and how FB contacted you? I was hacked over a week ago and have sent FB so many emails and tried to report it via various channels, but have had no luck. TIA
prefix 1 year ago
This happened to me on august 27th and I don’t even have a business page, just a personal that I’ve had for years. I have deceased family members and thousands of photos and memories I don’t want to lose:( my name was changed to “meta copyright bawhchhiatna” leading me to believe the hacker isn’t English. I definitely filled out the form and tried to send my ID and download information and apparently the decision is final and I have no idea what to do!! Emailed countless Facebook support emails and I haven’t heard anything back! Very frustrating. Hope the Meta team figures it out let alone notices what’s going on. Very disappointed in their service right now
prefix 1 year ago
I’m so sorry this happened to you as well! I have also lost all my memories and photos of my deceased parents.

How did you even contact Facebook? I have no contact info and no idea how to regain my account ?
Megan Maarouf
prefix 1 year ago
I am having the same issue and my FB personal account has been permamently suspended as of 2 days ago. I have 3 business pages, one being a non-profit and I can't access my own business pages. I am completely deleted from facebook (personal profile) and can't access my own business pages. I am at a loss for words. I've sent every support fb email address that I can find on the internet a lengthy email with what has happened and how this "Meta Copyright Infringement" scam has gotten ahold to my personal facebook page. I'm following this thread. If anyone gets any info. on what we should do from here, please let me know as well! Sincerely, Thank you!!
prefix 1 year ago
I am in the exact same boat as you and am devastated. My business runs on social media and now my personal profile is gone not just disabled but pooof gone along with everything I ever posted anywhere including messenger.
prefix 1 year ago
I am an Admin for some groups and I'm frequently getting 'Meta Copyright Infringement' joining as a member and then promptly blocking the admin (me) from seeing them or their posts. I've warned my members of the risk they run in clicking any links they post in the newsfeed or via DM. If I block them, they reappear a few days later 'same name' new account.
prefix 1 year ago
Any solution to this or are new accounts needed?
Joe Z
prefix 1 year ago
I fell victim to this on Sun. Aug 20, 2023.
But I DID NOT receive the email with the malicious link.
I already had 2-Factor Auth. turned on.. and had just changed my password 2 weeks ago.

Yet somehow, my name on the account is now "Meta Copyright Infringement".
Obviously, the hacker (likely a bot) started posting spam left and right, and not Facebook has disabled the account.

The really frustrating thing-- I cannot even use the tools Facebook provides to identify/recover the account. I try to use those tools, and I am told that "it looks like you are misusing this tool because you are going too fast."

So here I wait in Limbo-- hoping something gets sorted out, all while feeling completely helpless on this.
Roxanne Cowan
prefix 1 year ago
This has happened to me too! I have my personal account hacked which is also linked to my business and i cant access any of them. I have followed facebooks guidance and they cant do anything. My email has been removed and replaced with theirs so when I try to report it it asks for my email, when I go to submit the form it says that the mail is not recognised so it wont let me report it! Now it's disabled.

I reckon it's all inside jobs passing on account details. Ive lost my business account with years of work and my personal with memories of everything.

They are not easy to contact.
prefix 1 year ago
How did you rectify your situation?
randy johnson
prefix 1 year ago
I clicked on the link, but Google warned me of danger so I went back to safety and went no further. After investigating my message history in Meta, I saw that I got a similar message two days earlier that I hadn't even seen.

My question is, am I safe since I did not go to the actual site the link was directed to and did not fill out any information on any form? Anybody know?
Haley Vaughn
prefix 1 year ago
I unfortunately fell victim to this today. Any advice on what I should do if I already filled out the form that the link led me to? It asked me for my FB log in info, phone number, etc.
After submitting the form, I didn't feel right about this so I went ahead and changed my password and made sure I have 2-factor authentication turned on for added security.
prefix 1 year ago
This just happened to me. How did you reach out to FB to get your account reinstated?
prefix 1 year ago
Me too. two factor was on, all the passwords changed... BUT once they got in they have control over Meta Business Suite and free reign on IG & FB pages we run. If anyone gets an update it would be great as FB/Meta has their pants down on the whole Meta Business Ste issue.
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