Hackers breach Rosatom, Russia’s state nuclear energy corporation

The group known as “AgainstTheWest” (ATW) published claims to have breached the company founded by Vladimir Putin himself.

The screenshots ATW has posted on Twitter indicate that the group has accessed Rosatom’s Allure Reports.

Heading such as “Clone RA,” “RosatomCareerSiteAutoTests” and “FirstTestProject” are clearly visible in the screenshot.


It’s not yet clear whether the breach will affect the daily operations of the company. However, the very fact that a company responsible for building and maintaining nuclear power plants has been breached could be unnerving for officials running it.

Rosatom was founded in 2007, with Vladimir Putin credited as the company’s founder.

That’s only the latest in a series of hacks directed against Russia after the country invaded Ukraine last week.

Earlier today, cyber activists targeted Russian state-controlled media outlets TASS, Kommersant, Izvestia, Fontanka, and RBC, pushing them offline.

There are at least a dozen different groups of hackers and researchers, with Anonymous being the most prominent one, investing their effort and knowledge to help Ukraine.

An unknown group has set up a website tool that allows people to participate in distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks against Russian websites that it claims are spreading disinformation.

Additionally, cybersecurity firms are urging ordinary civilians to join the cyberwar by means of an app that allows them to attack Russian websites spreading disinformation.




Phil Cox
prefix 2 years ago
China will invade Russia, like Russia invaded Ukraine.

A weakened Russia is more valuable geographically to China. In a year or two The West, NATO, and EU, will give permission for China to undertake peace mission in Russia.

I just wish the world can see China shaping a new future. The are controlling the Russian/West narrative. Taiwan, is a distraction at the moment for the West.

Imagine China with full control of the Russian land mass. China want to control the world and controlling Russia will be half of the world.
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