Hackers breached Volvo servers for R&D data

The car manufacturer claims that the intrusion may impact the company's operations.

Volvo Cars announced the company fell victim to an illegal intrusion by a third party. The company claims that a 'limited amount' of the company's R&D property has been stolen during the intrusion.

"Volvo Cars has earlier today concluded, based on information available, that there may be an impact on the company's operation," reads a press release by Volvo Cars.

The company claims to have implemented necessary security countermeasures and has launched an investigation into the breach.


"The company does not see, with currently available information, that this has an impact on the safety or security of its customers' cars or their personal data," the company claims.

There might be multiple reasons for attacking a company – from corporate espionage to casual data theft. For example, data on Mercedes-Benz's 'critical infrastructure' platform and Beijing Benz Automotive API system was leaked online recently.

Perpetrators likely obtained the information in a breach similar to the one Volvo Cars experienced.

Depending on how sensitive the stolen data was, the attack may be a precursor to a ransomware attack or a result of a failed attempt to acquire more data for a possible extortion attack.

Volvo operates R&D centers in the US, Denmark, Sweden, and China. The company, however, did not disclose which one of these was affected by the breach.

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