Internet Registry for Europe experienced a credential-stuffing attack, claims it was unsuccessful

The Regional Internet Registry for Europe and part of Asia (RIPE NCC) said its single sign-on (SSO) service experienced what appears to be a deliberate credential-stuffing attack, which caused a short outage.

Members of RIPE NCC received a letter claiming that the attack was successfully mitigated, and the organization is ”taking steps to ensure that our services are better protected against such threats in the future.”

“Our preliminary investigations do not indicate that any SSO accounts have been compromised. If we do find that an account has been affected in the course of our investigations, we will contact the account holder individually to inform them,” the letter reads.

It is recommended that members of the organization enable two-factor authentication on their RIPE NCC Access accounts to ensure their security.

“In general, using two-factor authentication across all your accounts can help limit your exposure to such attacks,” the letter reads.

Members are encouraged to notify RIPE NCC in case of any suspicious activity in their accounts.

It is known that the attack caused some downtime.