Russia blocks Ukrainian hacktivist website

Federal authorities in Russia have blocked the disBalancer website, in another sign of escalating tensions in the cyberwar with Ukraine. The site has become known in recent months for hosting the Liberator app, which allows volunteers to conduct hacktivist attacks on Kremlin-backed institutions.

“Our official website has been blocked by Roskomnadzor, a federal executive body responsible for overseeing the media, including the electronic media, and mass communications, information technology and telecommunications,” said the Ukrainian cybersecurity firm.


The Russian Federation shut down disBalancer’s operations within its territory pursuant to Federal Law No.149-FZ 2006 on Information, Informational Technologies, and the Protection of Information, said the company.

Signage put up by Roskomnadzor stating disBalancer has been banned in Russia

The law has provisions “for restricting access to websites that contain information for mass riots, extremist activities or participation in mass (public) events held in violation of the established procedure.” Citing it, disBalancer added: “Roskomnadzor organizes the restriction of access to such information based on the request of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation or his deputies.”

disBalancer said blocking its website in Russian cyberspace would not affect its operations in any way, especially given it had ceased doing business with entities from the rogue superstate after it invaded Ukraine on February 24.

“Access restrictions to our site [imposed on] internet users from Russia will not stop our DDoS attacks on Russian propaganda websites, government, and infrastructure systems that provide the basis for everyday life and enable the flow of goods, information, and services,” it added. “Until Russia withdraws the last soldier from Ukraine and the ongoing shelling by Russian forces stops, we are going to further enhance our activities.”

disBalancer is not alone in its endeavors. Since Russia’s decision to attack Ukraine, many cyber volunteer forces have assembled, including Anonymous and its various affiliates, and the IT Army of Ukraine. Russia too has its digital partisans, perhaps most notable being the military-style ‘legion’ commanded by Killnet.